
[PDF] Terms and Conditions for our Member get Member Promotion

You must be a Trust customer, with a valid Trust account (account not suspended or terminated) and in good standing (as decided by us).

[PDF] Online Member-Get

Online Member-Get-Member Program Terms & Conditions: 1. Subject to clause 1a of the Terms and Conditions below, only existing American Express.

[PDF] HSBC Premier Member-Get

19. The Rewards Points are non-transferable and cannot be converted to cash. 20. The Bank assumes no responsibility for the quality of service/products ...

[PDF] 保柏「親友共賞」會員推薦計劃條款及細則

26. 如本條款及細則之中、英文版本有任何歧義,概以英文版本為準。 Terms and conditions for the Bupa Member-get-Member Programme. 1. The Bupa Member-Get-Member ...

[PDF] Terms & Conditions of Member-Get

Terms & Conditions of Member-Get-Member Referral Program (the “Program”): 1. Unless otherwise specified, the promotion period is valid from November 5, 2024 ...

[PDF] Member-Get-Member Program Terms and Conditions

Member-Get-Member Program Terms and Conditions: 1. The promotion period of the Member-Get-Member Program (the “Program”) runs from 3 October 2014 to 31.

[PDF] Member Get Member Terms and Conditions

Your Invited Friends must successfully sign up to become MeDirect customers by using your Referral Link and/or Referral Code. 2. Your Invited Friends must ...


The Referral must personally complete his/her UnionBank credit card application and not allow the Referrer or a third party to complete on his/her behalf.


YoumustbeaTrustcustomer,withavalidTrustaccount(accountnotsuspendedorterminated)andingoodstanding(asdecidedbyus).,OnlineMember-Get-MemberProgramTerms&Conditions:1.Subjecttoclause1aoftheTermsandConditionsbelow,onlyexistingAmericanExpress.,19.TheRewardsPointsarenon-transferableandcannotbeconvertedtocash.20.TheBankassumesnoresponsibilityforthequalityofservice/products ...,26.如本條款及細則之中...