Metamod is a plugin/DLL manager that sits between the Half-Life Engine and an HL Game mod, allowing the dynamic loading/unloading of mod-like DLL plugins.
Metamod (Source)
Metamod: Source is an API manager and interception handler that sits in between the Half-Life 2 Engine (Source) and a subsequent Game ...
Metamod:Source - A C++ Plugin Environment and Detour Library for the Source Engine. Build instructions. Make sure ambuild2 is installed: https://github.
Installing Metamod:Source
The above instructions are sufficient to install Metamod:Source for 99% of servers. For Source 2, this is, however, the only supported loading method.
Snapshots - Metamod
Metamod:Source uses rolling releases, and updates are continuous. Updates to stable versions of MM:S are small and non-disruptive. It is generally recommended ...
Dev Builds - Metamod
Metamod:Source uses rolling releases, and updates are continuous. Updates to stable versions of MM:S are small and non-disruptive. It is generally recommended ...
The MetaMod:Source 1.11 branch has now been declared the new stable branch. This is mostly a maintenance release with under the hood changes ... Plugins · Make your VDF · About
Make a VDF File - Metamod
Click the button below to download your metamod.vdf file. Once you have it, save it to your addons folder.
About - Metamod
Metamod:Source is a C++ plugin environment for Half-Life 2. It acts as a metamod which sits in between the Game and the Engine, and allows plugins to ...