The TF2 Sourcemod Wiki

SourceMOD是一个强大的,高度优化的脚本插件和处理服务器管理平台。默认包配备了一组基本的插件,但有超过450个实用的插件。SourceMOD标志.SourceMOD可以运行在多 ...,SourceModisaservermodificationthatgivesserveradminsamuchmorepowerfulplatformforscriptingan...。參考影片的文章的如下:



SourceMOD是一个强大的,高度优化的脚本插件和处理服务器管理平台。默认包配备了一组基本的插件,但有超过450个实用的插件。 SourceMOD标志. SourceMOD可以运行在多 ...

SourceMod (server plugin)

SourceMod is a server modification that gives server admins a much more powerful platform for scripting and administration.

SourceMod - Source Engine Scripting and Administration

SourceMod is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. Special exceptions are outlined in the LICENSE.txt file inside of the licenses folder.

SourceMod 安裝教學(2023221 更新)

SourceMod是一個讓伺服器裝外掛(Plugin)的重要核心檔案,給用戰慄時空2引擎(Source Engine)的遊戲伺服器使用並新增許多不同的外掛來更有效的管理伺服器 ...

Installing SourceMod

To install SourceMod remotely, first extract the .zip (Windows) or .tar.gz (Linux) package to your local computer (for example, your Desktop).

Introduction to SourceMod Plugins

This guide will give you a basic introduction to writing a SourceMod plugin. If you are not familiar with the SourcePawn language, ...

Compiler - SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language.

Plugins - SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language.

Downloads - SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language. To view the SourceMod License · Dev Builds · Latest 20 Builds from 1.11...

SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language. Plugins · Downloads page · Dev Builds · About


SourceMOD是一个强大的,高度优化的脚本插件和处理服务器管理平台。默认包配备了一组基本的插件,但有超过450个实用的插件。SourceMOD标志.SourceMOD可以运行在多 ...,SourceModisaservermodificationthatgivesserveradminsamuchmorepowerfulplatformforscriptingandadministration.,SourceModislicensedundertheGNUGeneralPublicLicenseversion3.SpecialexceptionsareoutlinedintheLICENSE.txtfileinsideofthelicensesfolder....