How to Install MicroG | Android 11 | Without Root

2023年8月12日—求救,看網路上說遇到non-root是microg問題所以開啟Experimentalpatchessupport選項選MicroGSupport之後裝到一半就會強制Aborted,就算之後全部 ...,2022年9月8日—Itriedtoinstallrevanced.apkit'ssuccessbutit'scan'topenuntilImanuallyinstallMicro...。參考影片的文章的如下:


RE:【情報】YouTube ReVanced

2023年8月12日 — 求救,看網路上說遇到non-root 是microg問題所以開啟Experimental patches support選項選MicroG Support之後裝到一半就會強制Aborted,就算之後全部 ...

"App not installed" on non

2022年9月8日 — I tried to install revanced.apk it's success but it's can't open until I manually install MicroG from old Vanced Manager app.


2024年5月16日 — These page provides details to download sources for APK files from the microG Project. For non-APK components, please consult the corresponding ...

Is there any way to install microG on Android 10 (which ...

2023年6月22日 — MicroG requires a lot of permissions to work that only with root access you can make it work properly. Without root access you cannot install ...

How do I install MicroG for non

2022年6月13日 — I installed ReVanced using the official instructions. How do I install MicroG so that I could log in? If I try installing Services Core ...

[APP][NO ROOT][SHARE] MicroG for Huawei Devices

2022年11月10日 — MicroG is an open source software replacement for Google Play Services, and it requires root, Magisk, Xposed or in-built signature spoofing ...

MicroG without root

2019年6月19日 — Is ther any way to install MicroG without using PC on stock ROM? I tried apk install as well as through F-droid without luck - app not installed ...


Download and install MicroG for YouTube Vanced in order to be able to connect your google account with YouTube. If you don't install MicroG package, add ...


2023年8月12日—求救,看網路上說遇到non-root是microg問題所以開啟Experimentalpatchessupport選項選MicroGSupport之後裝到一半就會強制Aborted,就算之後全部 ...,2022年9月8日—Itriedtoinstallrevanced.apkit'ssuccessbutit'scan'topenuntilImanuallyinstallMicroGfromoldVancedManagerapp.,2024年5月16日—ThesepageprovidesdetailstodownloadsourcesforAPKfilesfromthemicroGProject.Fornon-APKcomponents,pleaseconsultthe...