
10 ways Azure AI enhances the Microsoft Apps we use everyday

Speech transcription and captioning in Microsoft Teams is powered by Azure Cognitive Services for Speech. The Speech-to-Text service transcribes ...

[PDF] 微軟人工智慧– 認知服務

com/cognitive. 理解人類語言LUIS. Bing 網頁搜尋. Page 7. https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/computer-vision-api. Page 8. Page 9. JSON: {.  ...

Azure-training-courseContentCognitive ServicesMicrosoft ...

Microsoft Cognitive Services.pptx. Copy path. Latest commit. jeffprosise · Added slide deck for Cognitive Services and updated lab.

[PDF] Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft Cognitive services are Artificial intelligence pre trained rest APIs. You don't need to be a data scientist to use Cognitive Services.

[PDF] Workshop: Azure Cognitive services for beginners.

This course is intended for users that will solve business tasks using cognitive services. – voice and image recognition, text translations, smart search and ...

Microsoft Cognitive Services

Meemim's Microsoft Azure-Hosted Knowledge Management Platform Simplifies the Sharing of Information with Colleagues, Clients or the Public MICROSOFT AZURE.

Microsoft Cognitive Services

Here is the presentation material for Microsoft Cognitive Services, presented at Microsoft Maniacs on Nov 16, 2017.

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Topic to PPT using AI. Generate engaging presentations quickly from just a keyword. Ideal for students and educators needing fast, content-rich slides. Create ...

AI & Microsoft Cognitive Services | PPT

Cognitive Services provides various capabilities including vision, speech, language, knowledge, and search functions that can be used to ...

Azure Cognitive Services | PPT

Introduction into Azure Cognitive Services from a viewpoint of a developer, illustrating RESTful and SDK approach to consuming ACS endpoints ...


SpeechtranscriptionandcaptioninginMicrosoftTeamsispoweredbyAzureCognitiveServicesforSpeech.TheSpeech-to-Textservicetranscribes ...,com/cognitive.理解人類語言LUIS.Bing網頁搜尋.Page7.https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/computer-vision-api.Page8.Page9.JSON:{. ...,MicrosoftCognitiveServices.pptx.Copypath.Latestcommit.jeffprosise·AddedslidedeckforCognitiveServicesandupdatedlab.,Micro...