
Fluent Design System

Fluent Design System (codenamed Project Neon), officially unveiled as Microsoft Fluent Design System, is a design language developed in 2017 by Microsoft.

Fluent UI

A collection of UX frameworks for creating beautiful, cross-platform apps that share code, design, and interaction behavior.

Home - Fluent 2 Design System

Explore the next evolution of Microsoft's design system, enabling more seamless collaboration and creativity than ever. Move fluidly from design to ...

Metro (design language)

Microsoft Design Language (or MDL), previously known as Metro, is a design language created by Microsoft. This design language is focused on typography and ...

Microsoft Design

Why designers shouldn't always be designers. A Content Designer from Microsoft Clipchamp tells her storyBy Simone Williams · Redefining Productivity · Design as ...

Mixed Reality Design Language

2023年11月8日 — The new design language introduces geometry with rounded corners that create a more approachable, engaging, and modern experience. The geometry ...

Office Add

2023年8月18日 — The Office design language is a clean and simple visual system that ensures consistency across experiences. It contains a set of visual elements ...

There are at least 10 different Microsoft design languages ...

2021年6月18日 — There are at least 10 different Microsoft design languages/conventions in Windows 11: Win32, MMC, XP, Aero, Ribbon UI, Metro, Modern, XB1 dash, ...


FluentDesignSystem(codenamedProjectNeon),officiallyunveiledasMicrosoftFluentDesignSystem,isadesignlanguagedevelopedin2017byMicrosoft.,AcollectionofUXframeworksforcreatingbeautiful,cross-platformappsthatsharecode,design,andinteractionbehavior.,ExplorethenextevolutionofMicrosoft'sdesignsystem,enablingmoreseamlesscollaborationandcreativitythanever.Movefluidlyfromdesignto ...,MicrosoftDesignLangua...