
Developer Program

Start developing on the Microsoft 365 platform today! Join the Developer Program to get a free instant sandbox and sample data packs including Teams.

Microsoft 365 Dev Center

Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program ... Get resources and information to help you build solutions for the Microsoft 365 platform, including recommendations ...

Microsoft 365 Developer Program dashboard


Microsoft Developer

Start building with these Microsoft products · Microsoft 365 · Microsoft Azure · Microsoft Teams · Power Platform · Visual Studio · Windows.

Set up a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox subscription

The Microsoft 365 E5 developer sandbox subscription includes 25 user licenses and lasts for up to 90 days, depending on your activity. If you use your ...

Welcome to the Microsoft 365 Developer Program

2024年5月1日 — Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program to develop Microsoft 365 solutions independent of your production environment.

What You Need to Know

3 天前 — The Microsoft 365 Developer Program launched in November 2020, and by March 2021, it began offering developers a free Microsoft 365 tenant. This ...


StartdevelopingontheMicrosoft365platformtoday!JointheDeveloperProgramtogetafreeinstantsandboxandsampledatapacksincludingTeams.,JointheMicrosoft365DeveloperProgram...GetresourcesandinformationtohelpyoubuildsolutionsfortheMicrosoft365platform,includingrecommendations ...,沒有這個頁面的資訊。,StartbuildingwiththeseMicrosoftproducts·Microsoft365·MicrosoftAzure·MicrosoftTeams·PowerPlatform·VisualSt...