
Create a developer account

2023年5月31日 — Register for a developer account to publish apps to the Microsoft Store and participate in other Microsoft programs.

Developer Program

Start developing on the Microsoft 365 platform today! Join the Developer Program to get a free instant sandbox and sample data packs including Teams.

How to create a Microsoft developer account

2022年8月2日 — How to create a Microsoft developer account · From the home page, click My access. · From the Account settings page, select Programs. Under ...

How to create a new app in windows developer center

2023年8月18日 — First you need to register a developer account. Developer accounts in Partner Center. Then Publish your UWP app in the Microsoft Store.

Open a developer account in Partner Center

2024年2月20日 — Here's an overview of how to open a Windows developer account for Microsoft Store and other Microsoft programs in Partner Center.

Register as an app developer

You'll need to sign in with a Microsoft account that you want to associate with your developer account. If you don't already have a Microsoft account, you can ...

Windows Dev Center

Content, samples, downloads, design inspiration, and other resources you need to complete your app or game development project for Windows.

Windows Store

2012年10月23日 — Before your customers can acquire your app from the Windows Store, you'll need to sign up for a Windows Store developer account.


2023年5月31日—RegisterforadeveloperaccounttopublishappstotheMicrosoftStoreandparticipateinotherMicrosoftprograms.,StartdevelopingontheMicrosoft365platformtoday!JointheDeveloperProgramtogetafreeinstantsandboxandsampledatapacksincludingTeams.,2022年8月2日—HowtocreateaMicrosoftdeveloperaccount·Fromthehomepage,clickMyaccess.·FromtheAccountsettingspage,selectPrograms.Under ...,2023年8月18日—Firstyo...