how to get Microsoft Translate API key



Create a Translator resource

2023年10月9日 — Learn how to create an Azure AI Translator resource and retrieve your API key and endpoint URL in the Azure portal.

How to generate Microsoft Translator API key?

2023年5月15日 — Learn how to generate a Microsoft Translator API key and unlock powerful language translation capabilities.

How to get Microsoft API key for translator

2022年11月7日 — Enter the required details and once the resource is successfully completed. Navigate to the Keys + Endpoint tab of your resource and copy the ...

How to get Microsoft translator API key

2023年3月24日 — How to get Microsoft translator API key · Go to the Azure portal and sign into your account. · In the left-hand menu, click on Create a ...

Microsoft Translator Text

Introduction The Microsoft Translator Text API provides a JSON-based Web API ... key from the Azure portal to authenticate. You can follow the steps in https ...

Microsoft Translator V2

Microsoft Translator lets you translate text ... Specify your subscription key for Microsoft Translator Text API, or leave it blank to use an internal shared key.


Create a new project in your favorite IDE or editor. Copy the code from one of the samples into your project. Set your subscription key, the Azure region of ...

Translator Text API

Microsoft Translator Text API is a cloud-based aka machine translation service ... Key API Features. Natively Neural – Use modern neural machine translation ...

使用Azure AI 翻譯工具API

2024年4月9日 — 了解如何使用翻譯工具服務來翻譯文字、進行文字音譯、偵測語言等等。 提供的範例適用於C#、Java、JavaScript 和Python。


2023年10月9日—LearnhowtocreateanAzureAITranslatorresourceandretrieveyourAPIkeyandendpointURLintheAzureportal.,2023年5月15日—LearnhowtogenerateaMicrosoftTranslatorAPIkeyandunlockpowerfullanguagetranslationcapabilities.,2022年11月7日—Entertherequireddetailsandoncetheresourceissuccessfullycompleted.NavigatetotheKeys+Endpointtabofyourresourceandcopythe ...,2023年3月24日—HowtogetMicrosofttranslator...