
Which tool I can use to burn iso image to bootable USB

You can do what you want but you don't burn an .iso to a USB drive, you mount the .iso and copy the files over. Of course the USB drive has to be configured ...

How to create bootable usb installation of windows 8.1 from the iso file

I downloaded the iso file of windows 8.1 about 4.0 GB size. now i want to create from it a bootable usb. the problem is that the tool is not existing anymore.

How To Make A Bootable Windows 8 USB Drive

To create a bootable USB drive select USB Device and then, in Step 3, select the USB device (in my case an 8GB USB pen drive) to use for the bootable device ...

建立Windows 的安裝媒體

建議您使用空白USB 快閃磁碟驅動器,因為磁碟驅動器上的任何內容都會遭到刪除。 對於VM,不需要USB 快閃磁碟驅動器。 您可以改為建立ISO 以在VM 中使用。 ISO 也可以用來在 ...

Create installation media for Windows

To create installation media, go to the software download website, where step-by-step instructions can be found.

How to create usb bootable install media for Windows 8.1 in 2025

Microsoft offers a handy tool called the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool, or you can use the Media Creation Tool (if available for Windows 8.1) to ...

How to Burn ISO to USB on Windows 8 Efficiently

We'll learn two methods to burn a Windows 8 ISO to a USB drive on Windows 8. The first way is through EaseUS Partition Master, the easiest way for beginners.

How to Install Windows 8 or 8.1 From USB

Download Rufus, and then open it on your computer. · Open the Windows 8 ISO in that program to create a bootable USB device. · Boot your computer ...

Official Microsoft Windows 8.1 ISO USB Drive Download Instructions

1. Download the mediacreationtool.exe file from http://windows.microsoft.com 2. Open the file, select your preferred Language and then the Windows Edition that ...


Youcandowhatyouwantbutyoudon'tburnan.isotoaUSBdrive,youmountthe.isoandcopythefilesover.OfcoursetheUSBdrivehastobeconfigured ...,Idownloadedtheisofileofwindows8.1about4.0GBsize.nowiwanttocreatefromitabootableusb.theproblemisthatthetoolisnotexistinganymore.,TocreateabootableUSBdriveselectUSBDeviceandthen,inStep3,selecttheUSBdevice(inmycasean8GBUSBpendrive)touseforthebootabledevice ...,建議您使用...