
Azure 雲端儲存體解決方案和服務

探索適用於物件、區塊和檔案儲存空間的全方位Azure 儲存體服務套件,來滿足您資料最高的需求。透過Microsoft 雲端儲存空間解決方案,輕鬆提高您的效能、獲得高可用性與 ...

Azure 儲存體總管

您可以上傳、下載和管理Azure 儲存體Blob、檔案、佇列和表格,以及Azure Data Lake Storage 實體與Azure 受控磁碟。設定儲存體權限和存取控制、階層及規則。 立即下載.

Microsoft Azure Storage Libraries for .NET

The Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for .NET allows you to build Azure applications that take advantage of scalable cloud computing resources. This ...

Azure Storage

Azure 儲存體帳戶包含您所有的Azure 儲存體資料物件:Blob、檔案、佇列和資料表。 儲存體帳戶會為Azure 儲存體資料提供唯一的命名空間,供您透過HTTP 或 ...

Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage Namespace

Explore all classes and interfaces of the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage namespace.

Azure Storage client library for .NET

4 天前 · In this article. The Azure Storage client libraries for .NET offer a convenient interface for making calls to Azure Storage.

How to replace Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage ...

Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob has been replaced by a newer SDK Azure.Storage.Blobs and it is recommended you upgrade to the new one (v12 SDSK) instead.

What is the difference between the Microsoft.Azure.Storage and ...

WindowsAzure.Storage (latest is v9.3.2) is the legacy Storage SDK we always use and Microsoft.Azure.Storage.* (latest v9.4.0) is its new ...

WindowsAzure.Storage 9.3.3

Please note, this package is obsolete as of 3/31/2023 and is no longer maintained or monitored. Microsoft encourages you to upgrade to the ...


探索適用於物件、區塊和檔案儲存空間的全方位Azure儲存體服務套件,來滿足您資料最高的需求。透過Microsoft雲端儲存空間解決方案,輕鬆提高您的效能、獲得高可用性與 ...,您可以上傳、下載和管理Azure儲存體Blob、檔案、佇列和表格,以及AzureDataLakeStorage實體與Azure受控磁碟。設定儲存體權限和存取控制、階層及規則。立即下載.,TheMicrosoftAzureStorageSDKfor.NETallowsyoutobuildAzureapplicationsthattakeadvantageofs...