Mindy Gledhill

MindyGledhill-Anchor歌词CaliforniaHaveyoubeentoCaliforniaSeenthesightsandpeoplethereWalkedthestreetsofsleepyseatowns ...,Anchor;Whenalltheworldisspinninground.当整个世界都在旋转;Likearedballoonwayupintheclouds.像一只红色气球,漂浮在云端;Andmyfeet...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Mindy Gledhill - Anchor 歌词- 日记

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor 歌词California Have you been to California Seen the sights and people there Walked the streets of sleepy sea towns ...

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor 歌词, 中文歌词

Anchor ; When all the world is spinning round. 当整个世界都在旋转 ; Like a red balloon way up in the clouds. 像一只红色气球,漂浮在云端 ; And my feet will not stay ...

[音樂]把眼淚擦乾我們重新開始_分手妝_Mindy Gledhill

〈All About Your Heart〉收錄在Mindy Gledhill第二張專輯《Anchor》中,雖然不確定是不是分手妝的關係,這首歌是目前Mindy Gledhill中文裡討論度最高的歌曲 ...

【歌詞翻譯】Mindy Gledhill - Anchor 敏蒂.葛萊德希爾

You anchor me back down. 是你牢牢將我固定下來. I am nearly world renowned, 我幾乎聞名於 ...

Anchor-歌詞- Mindy Gledhill

Anchor-歌詞- When all the world is spinning 'round Like a red balloon way up in the clouds And my feet will not stay on the ground You anchor .

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor 歌詞翻譯 - ssal407的部落格

You anchor me back down. 你總會像錨一樣牢牢的抓住我. I am nearly world reknowned, 幾近眾 ...

Mindy Gledhill – Anchor Lyrics

[Verse 1] When all the world is spinning round. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds. And my feet will not stay on the ground. You anchor me back down

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor專輯

Anchor歌詞- Mindy Gledhill 作詞: 作曲: When all the world is spinning 'round Like a red balloon way up in the clouds And my feet will not ...

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor Lyrics

When all the world is spinning 'round. Like a red balloon way up in the clouds. And my feet will not stay on the ground. You anchor me back down

[歌詞中文翻譯]Mindy Gledhill-All About Your Heart

這是交易,不是感情,如果對方老了病了怠惰了,那這交易還算數嗎?但如果說說,我愛你,沒來由地愛你,即使你總是遲到、腦筋遲鈍又散漫,即使大家都說你不是個好 ...


MindyGledhill-Anchor歌词CaliforniaHaveyoubeentoCaliforniaSeenthesightsandpeoplethereWalkedthestreetsofsleepyseatowns ...,Anchor;Whenalltheworldisspinninground.当整个世界都在旋转;Likearedballoonwayupintheclouds.像一只红色气球,漂浮在云端;Andmyfeetwillnotstay ...,〈AllAboutYourHeart〉收錄在MindyGledhill第二張專輯《Anchor》中,雖然不確定是不是分手妝的關係,這首歌是目前MindyGledhill中文裡討論度最...

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Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具
