Free and Open Source Licenses

TheMITlicenseallowstheartworktobere-usedcompletelyindependentlyoftheprogramcode.Asitisveryunlikelythattheprogramcodeand ...,BrowseMITLicenseicon,illustrationandemojisets,freeforpersonalandcommercialpurposes.,Ashortandsimplepermissivelicensewithco...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Legal Aspects of Illustrations in Open Source Software (MIT License)

The MIT license allows the artwork to be re-used completely independently of the program code. As it is very unlikely that the program code and ...

MIT icon, illustration and emoji sets

Browse MIT License icon, illustration and emoji sets, free for personal and commercial purposes.

MIT License

A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices.

MIT License

Large set of opensource illustrations. You can use completely free and without attribution.

MIT License

The MIT License is a permissive software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) [6] in the late 1980s.

Mit license Icons, Logos, Symbols

Free Mit license icons, logos, symbols in 50+ UI design styles. Download Static and animated Mit license vector icons and logos for free in PNG, SVG, GIF.


MIT授權條款(英語:MIT License)是許多軟體授權條款中,被廣泛使用的其中一種。與其他常見的軟體授權條款(如GPL、LGPL、BSD)相比,MIT是相對寬鬆的軟體授權條款。

The MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”),

What is the official logo for the MIT License?

The MIT license has no logo. It originates from the 80s, were graphical computing was far from mainstream and licenses were discussed in memos written by ...


TheMITlicenseallowstheartworktobere-usedcompletelyindependentlyoftheprogramcode.Asitisveryunlikelythattheprogramcodeand ...,BrowseMITLicenseicon,illustrationandemojisets,freeforpersonalandcommercialpurposes.,Ashortandsimplepermissivelicensewithconditionsonlyrequiringpreservationofcopyrightandlicensenotices.,Largesetofopensourceillustrations.Youcanusecompletelyfreeandwithoutattribution.,TheMITL...