How to FlashUnbrickUpdate ANY Samsung Galaxy device via Odin 3

評分4.0(1)·免費·Android·MobileODINistheon-devicefirmwareflasherofchoice.Justthrowthosefirmwarefilesonyour(internalorexternal)SDcard,startMobile ...,評分4.4(127)·免費·Android[root]MobileODINProisanappthatallowsyoutoflashormanuallyinstallsystemfile...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[root] Mobile ODIN Pro APK for Android

評分 4.0 (1) · 免費 · Android · Mobile ODIN is the on-device firmware flasher of choice. Just throw those firmware files on your (internal or external) SD card, start Mobile ...

[root] Mobile ODIN Pro - APK Download for Android

評分 4.4 (127) · 免費 · Android [root] Mobile ODIN Pro is an app that allows you to flash or manually install system files without having to use a recovery.

Mobile ODIN Lets You Flash Firmware from Device

The XDA Moderator and Recognized Developer now presents Mobile ODIN, allowing you to flash firmware from your device, itself.

Mobile ODIN Updated to Version 4, New Features and Devices

Now with an update to version 4, the app has gained even more abilities, as well as compatibility with a few more devices.

Mobile Odin Pro

first of all mobile ODIN need root, once you rooted what is the big deal to install CWM and flash the CWM meant ROM from there, Mobile ODIN is ...

Mobile ODIN Pro | Page 2

Yes, Mobile ODIN will create is own flashable zip from the target file and inject SU within the new rooted file. I flashed the new SGS III ...

mobile odin

apk checksums don't match. I also have Mobile Odin Pro and I attempted to use it to install the OTA directly. Mobile Odin Pro will inject a root and SU into...

Mobile Odin (pro) has updated and supports our phones!

nobleynobe said: Does my phone still have to be rooted for this to work? Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app.

[WARNING] DO NOT INSTALL 'mobile odin' app

It said that the app is not compatible with my device and then it asked me to allow it to create a dump file and it said that it could take almost 30 mins to ...

[2014.05.01][ROOT] Mobile ODIN v4.20

Mobile ODIN is the on-device firmware flasher of choice. Just throw those firmware files on your (internal or external) SD card, start Mobile ODIN and flash ...


評分4.0(1)·免費·Android·MobileODINistheon-devicefirmwareflasherofchoice.Justthrowthosefirmwarefilesonyour(internalorexternal)SDcard,startMobile ...,評分4.4(127)·免費·Android[root]MobileODINProisanappthatallowsyoutoflashormanuallyinstallsystemfileswithouthavingtousearecovery.,TheXDAModeratorandRecognizedDevelopernowpresentsMobileODIN,allowingyoutoflashfirmwarefromyourdevice,itself.,Nowwithanupd...