Hatsan MOD 65 Break Barrel Air Rifle REVIEW



HATSAN MOD 65的價格推薦- 2025年3月

=MG 模型= 嘉義HATSAN MOD 65 .25 MOD系列最新中折式氣步槍. $10,000. 價格持平. 露天拍賣icon. 露天拍賣. 15555136(109). 已無更多符合的內容。

Hatsan - MOD 65 Airgun with suppressor - 4.5mm

Features: · Classic break action air rifle with up to 17J of power · Available without permit or registration · Thumbhole stock made of selected walnut wood ...

MOD 65

Single shot break barrel action. Fully shrouded barrel and Integrated Sound moderator in muzzle break for reduced down-range noise.

Mod 65

Built with a pistol grip thumbhole stock and an adjustable Monte Carlo cheek piece, the Mod 65 is the only Hatsan air rifle with a wood pistol grip stock.


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Hatsan Mod 65 Combo Spring Piston Air Rifle, .22 Caliber

The Mod 65 is Hatsan's new break barrel air rifle, built with the most popular features from Hatsan's other break barrels. Crafted with Hatsan's classic walnut ...

Hatsan Mod 65 Combo Spring Piston Air Rifle, .25 Caliber

Firing at up to 1300 FPS and up to 24 FPE and offered in 3 different calibers: .177, .22, and .25, this air rifle is perfect for small game hunting AND target ...

{{布拉德模型}} HATSAN MOD 65 .22 MOD系列最新中折式氣步槍

Hatsan. MOD 65 .22. MOD系列最新中折式氣步槍. 型號:MOD65. 口徑:5.5/.22. 材質:木材/金屬. 中折彈簧式. SRS減震系統. Quattro2階段板機. 手動保險裝置. 可調式腮托.

布拉德模型HATSAN MOD 65 .25

Hatsan. MOD 65 .25. MOD系列最新中折式氣步槍. 型號:MOD65. 口徑:6.35/.25. 材質:木材/金屬. 中折彈簧式. SRS減震系統. Quattro2階段板機. 手動保險裝置. 可調式腮托.


=MG模型=嘉義HATSANMOD65.25MOD系列最新中折式氣步槍.$10,000.價格持平.露天拍賣icon.露天拍賣.15555136(109).已無更多符合的內容。,Features:·Classicbreakactionairriflewithupto17Jofpower·Availablewithoutpermitorregistration·Thumbholestockmadeofselectedwalnutwood ...,Singleshotbreakbarrelaction.FullyshroudedbarrelandIntegratedSoundmoderatorinmuzzlebreakforreduceddown-rangenoise.,Builtwithapistolgripthu...