How to Use Moment Anamorphic Lenses

我們的電影鏡頭是我們有史以來最性感的產品。這是電影製作的基本配備。閃耀的水平光芒和寬屏格式外觀。通常超級昂貴的電影鏡頭,Moment把它價格變親民。現在你可以在 ...,近全新MomentAnamorphicLens1.33X電影變形鏡頭(M系列/金色耀光).$3,000.尚無評價.0已售出.ico...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Moment Anamorphic Lens 1.33X 電影變形鏡頭

我們的電影鏡頭是我們有史以來最性感的產品。 這是電影製作的基本配備。 閃耀的水平光芒和寬屏格式外觀。 通常超級昂貴的電影鏡頭,Moment把它價格變親民。 現在你可以在 ...


近全新Moment Anamorphic Lens 1.33X電影變形鏡頭(M系列/金色耀光). $3,000. 尚無評價. 0 已售出. icon like. icon local shipping.

Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Mobile Lens (M-Series & T

An anamorphic lens turns normal phone video into a 16:9, wide screen movie. It makes video appear smoother and then when you get the right light hitting the ...

Moment M-Series - 1.55x Anamorphic Lens

TRULY UNIQUE BOKEH - Anamorphic lenses capture more light, allowing for greater depth of field, increased sharpness in the image, and a more attractive ...

Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Lens Adapter

Buy Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Lens Adapter featuring 1.33x Anamorphic Squeeze Adapter, Creates 2.35:1 Images on 16:9 Sensors, Mounts to Lenses with 67mm Front ...

Using an Anamorphic Lens for Portrait Photography

Introducing Moment Anamorphic Adapter We're introducing our first (of many) big camera lenses. This new Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Adapter changes your current ...

1.33x Anamorphic Lens Adapter

This new Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Adapter changes your current lenses, whether vintage or modern, into a classic anamorphic lens. The quality is unmatched, it's ...


我們的電影鏡頭是我們有史以來最性感的產品。這是電影製作的基本配備。閃耀的水平光芒和寬屏格式外觀。通常超級昂貴的電影鏡頭,Moment把它價格變親民。現在你可以在 ...,近全新MomentAnamorphicLens1.33X電影變形鏡頭(M系列/金色耀光).$3,000.尚無評價.0已售出.iconlike.iconlocalshipping.,Ananamorphiclensturnsnormalphonevideointoa16:9,widescreenmovie.Itmakesvideoappearsmootherandthenwhenyougettherightlighthittin...