Unix & Linux: mount.nfs

其实解决办法很简单,就是在client上把那个文档umount掉。可是其实做起来很难,因为经常会得到isbusy的错误。,Resolution·Ensurenoprocessesareaccessingthemountpoint(s)byusinglsofandsearchingthestalemountpoint:·CheckwhatthePIDisdoing ...,Asusual,thefixist...。參考影片的文章的如下:


mount.nfs: Stale file handle的解决方法

其实解决办法很简单,就是在client上把那个文档umount掉。可是其实做起来很难,因为经常会得到 is busy的错误。

Resolving Stale File Handle Error on Linux Systems (KBA1037)

Resolution · Ensure no processes are accessing the mount point(s) by using lsof and searching the stale mount point: · Check what the PID is doing ...

Stale NFS file handle, tried a bunch of fixes with no luck

As usual, the fix is to unmount and remount, which involves stopping all the applications that are using the share. Is there any advice on ...

What causes stale NFS file handles?

Change the file id size from 64-bits to 32-bits in NFS Server, there is stale file handle error and below messages in /var/log/messages.

Automatically Resolve NFS Stale File Handle Errors

In this guide, we'll talk about methods you can use to equip your NFS clients to recover automatically from stale file handle errors.

Stale NFS file handle after reboot - linux networking

The stale NFS handle indicates that the client has a file open, but the server no longer recognizes the file handle.

NFS故障:Stale NFS file handle的解决一例原创

一、关于Stale NFS file handle错误信息​ 从字面意义是指失效的文件句柄,文件变得不可用了,使用ls, stat,cat等等命令去查看文件的时候会发现无法看到文件 ...

mount.nfs: Stale file handle的解决方法转载

- 若出现“Stale NFS file handle”警告,可以使用`umount -f`强制卸载,然后重新挂载解决。 完成上述步骤后,你就成功配置了Fedora9和tiny210之间的NFS共享, ...

mount.nfs: Stale file handle error

Stale file handle error means that the NFS server holds an old version of the files in his export path. An NFS server restart can sometimes help ...

mount.nfs: Stale file handle

So i have an Ubuntu 22.04 server (nfs version 2.6.1) where i accidentally yanked the eSAS cable to the external disc-storage (its Dell hw).


其实解决办法很简单,就是在client上把那个文档umount掉。可是其实做起来很难,因为经常会得到isbusy的错误。,Resolution·Ensurenoprocessesareaccessingthemountpoint(s)byusinglsofandsearchingthestalemountpoint:·CheckwhatthePIDisdoing ...,Asusual,thefixistounmountandremount,whichinvolvesstoppingalltheapplicationsthatareusingtheshare.Isthereanyadviceon ...,Changethefileidsizefrom64-bitsto32-bitsinNFSServ...