Onscreen Video with Mplayer for Screen Casting



3.1. Command line

MPlayer utilizes a complex playtree. Options passed on the command line can apply to all files/URLs or just to specific ones depending on their position.

Basic mplayer Usage from Command-Line

There are many ways to play media files from the command-line. Today, I'm gonna show you a few basic commands on how use Mplayer using Command line.

MPlayer command line start video at x position

Your best bet is to use the -ss xx option of MPlayer. The setting uses seconds and thus to start your video 60 seconds in the following ...

MPlayer command line usage

I am attempting to view some videos on the FreeBSD 11.1 command line. Installed multimedia/mplayer and I am trying to use it like this:

mplayer Commands | Man Pages

For watching TV with MPlayer, use 'tv://' or 'tv://<channel_number>' or even 'tv://<channel_name> (see option channels for channel_name below) as a movie URL.

MPlayer Documentation

The manual page for MPlayer and MEncoder describes all available command line options and how to control MPlayer with the keyboard. It is also regenerated ...

MPlayer options

MPlayer has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows you to control MPlayer using keyboard, mouse, joystick or remote control (with LIRC) ...

MPlayer(1) manual page

MPlayer has a fully configurable, command driven, control layer which allow you to control MPlayer using keyboard, mouse, joystick or remote control (using lirc) ...

mplayer(1): movie player

Interactive Control. MPlayer has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows you to control MPlayer using keyboard, mouse, joystick or ...

playing a specific interval of a video in mplayer using command line ...

I want to play a video file from 56 secs for a duration of 3 secs, then what would the command line options be? I know about the -ss option that will seek to a ...


MPlayerutilizesacomplexplaytree.Optionspassedonthecommandlinecanapplytoallfiles/URLsorjusttospecificonesdependingontheirposition.,Therearemanywaystoplaymediafilesfromthecommand-line.Today,I'mgonnashowyouafewbasiccommandsonhowuseMplayerusingCommandline.,Yourbestbetistousethe-ssxxoptionofMPlayer.Thesettingusessecondsandthustostartyourvideo60secondsinthefollowing ...,Iamattemptingtoviewsomevideos...

MPlayer WW r37356 - MPlayer WW編譯版

MPlayer WW r37356 - MPlayer WW編譯版
