Raspberry Pi: Raspbian - problem installing mplayer

Thisisastand-aloneReAction-GUI/launcherforallMPlayersforAmigaOS4.TheGUIisprettystraightforward.Holdyoumouseoveranygadgettogetashort ...,MPlayer1.5iscompatiblewiththelatestFFmpegrelease(5.0)andcurrentFFmpegdevelopmentversion(FFmpegmaster).MPlayerF...。參考影片的文章的如下:



This is a stand-alone ReAction-GUI/launcher for all MPlayers for AmigaOS4. The GUI is pretty straight forward. Hold you mouse over any gadget to get a short ...


MPlayer 1.5 is compatible with the latest FFmpeg release (5.0) and current FFmpeg development version (FFmpeg master). MPlayer Features · Download · Documentation · Mplayerhq:hu

2.3. What about the GUI?

The GUI needs GTK 1.2.x or GTK 2.0 (it isn't fully GTK, but the panels are), so GTK (and the devel stuff, usually called gtk-dev ) has to be installed.

Download - MPlayer

This package contains both the plain MPlayer and the GUI variant of MPlayer. All audio and video codecs are provided by a built-in FFmpeg. The ...


MPlayer is a free and open-source media player software application. It is available for Linux, OS X and Microsoft Windows. History · Media formats · Interface and graphical front... · Forks

Debian -- Package Search Results -- mplayer

You have searched for packages that names contain mplayer-gui in all suites, all sections, and all architectures. Found 2 matching packages.

MPlayerGUI download

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Windows · MPlayerGUI is an Open Source GUI (Graphical User Interface) Front-End for MPlayer.It works under Microsoft Windows operating system.


If you use a frontend/GUI for MPlayer, enter its name in Exec=gui_name %F . MPlayer has black or strange colored font for OSD and Subtitles.


Version, 1.62 ; Requirements, MPlayer & AmigaOS4 (ReAction). ; Author, Daniel Westerberg ; Short Description, MPlayer-GUI is a GUI-frontend for MPlayer. ; Long ...

MPlayer frontend for Windows, Linux and Mac OS

SMPlayer is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the award-winning MPlayer, which is capable of playing almost all known video and audio formats.


Thisisastand-aloneReAction-GUI/launcherforallMPlayersforAmigaOS4.TheGUIisprettystraightforward.Holdyoumouseoveranygadgettogetashort ...,MPlayer1.5iscompatiblewiththelatestFFmpegrelease(5.0)andcurrentFFmpegdevelopmentversion(FFmpegmaster).MPlayerFeatures·Download·Documentation·Mplayerhq:hu,TheGUIneedsGTK1.2.xorGTK2.0(itisn'tfullyGTK,butthepanelsare),soGTK(andthedevelstuff,usuallycalledgtk-dev)h...