

雖然homework 不可數,但在這句中也不能直接和much 搭配使用,因為much 表「許多」的意思時,主要用在疑問句或否定句,若要用在肯定句中時,則須與too 或so 連用。 最保險的寫法 ...

So much or so many homework

It is so much homework. Homework is uncountable in this context. If the object were homework assignments, then it would be countable.

Is it correct to say

How much homework is right.|@Karol_Fabin You're welcome!|@Karol_Fabin How much homework do you have? is correct.

作業多少才算多? (How Much Homework Is Too Much?)

complete · v. 完全的; 圓滿的; 徹底的; 熟練的; 完成; 完工; 弄齊全; 成圓滿; 畢; 徹底; 成; 竣; 清; 全; 全部; 通通; 完; 完全; 完善; 完整; 整; 週;蕆; ...

Are Students Given Too Much Homework?

書名:Are Students Given Too Much Homework?,語言:英文,ISBN:9781534527775,頁數:24,作者:Kawa, Katie,出版日期:2018/12/30,類別:童書(0-12歲)

How Much Homework is Too Much?

The National Education Association and the National PTA recommend the “ten-minute rule.” This rule suggests ten minutes of homework per grade level.

Which one is correct between 'Much homework is done' and ...

“Much homework is done is correct. Here, the noun homework indicates assignments in different subjects and is called a collective noun.

Simply Too Much Homework! ― What Can We Do?

書名:Simply Too Much Homework! ― What Can We Do?,ISBN:9781698700564,出版社:Trafford on Demand Pub,作者:Vera Goodman,頁數:108,出版日期:2020/05/10.

homework 和assignment 有什麼不同?

只能用I have a lot of homework today. (much 一般不會用在肯定句的”很多”) 要問人家有多少功課, 也只能說How much homework do you have today? 而不能用how many


雖然homework不可數,但在這句中也不能直接和much搭配使用,因為much表「許多」的意思時,主要用在疑問句或否定句,若要用在肯定句中時,則須與too或so連用。最保險的寫法 ...,Itissomuchhomework.Homeworkisuncountableinthiscontext.Iftheobjectwerehomeworkassignments,thenitwouldbecountable.,Howmuchhomeworkisright.|@Karol_FabinYou'rewelcome!|@Karol_FabinHowmuchhomeworkdoyouhave?iscorrect.,complete·v.完全的;...