
G3ProMulticleanerisaSolvent-freecleanerforuseonallsoftandhardsurfaces.IdealforuseonwheelArchliners,enginebays,carpetsandupholstery ...,Multicleanerisarigorousyetsafeallpurposecleaner(APC)foruseonallsoftandhardsurfaces,includingenginebays,wheelarchliners,carpetsand ...,Multicleaner·universalcleaner·fast,effectiveandleavesnostreaks·removespersistentstains·pleasantperfume.Availablepackages:5L25L....

G3 Pro 7199 Multicleaner, 500 ml

G3 Pro Multicleaner is a Solvent-free cleaner for use on all soft and hard surfaces. Ideal for use on wheel Arch liners, engine bays, carpets and upholstery ...

G3 Pro Multicleaner

Multicleaner is a rigorous yet safe all purpose cleaner (APC) for use on all soft and hard surfaces, including engine bays, wheel arch liners, carpets and ...


Multicleaner · universal cleaner · fast, effective and leaves no streaks · removes persistent stains · pleasant perfume. Available packages: 5 L 25 L.

Saphir Omni-Daim Suede Multicleaner 500ml

關於這個商品. Cleans and removes stains from suede and nubuck. Get rid of grease stains on your suede shoes and restore their original look.

Saphir|Omnidaim Suede Multicleaner

Saphir Medaille d'Or Renovateur 的配方是以蜂蠟作為基底並富含貂油和羊毛脂,其純天然成份能提供皮革清潔和保養的作用,而且使用後皮革更會呈現明亮的色澤。適用於一般 ...


ULTRACARE MULTICLEANER SPRAY is a ready-to-use, pro-grade spray cleaner that makes daily cleaning operations quick and simple.