
下載:Pokemon Go 助理v1.0.2.2,修正錯誤並優化外掛(0522 ...

2017年5月22日 — 目前已經支援購買最新API 的Hash Server 與自動輸入驗證碼的2Captcha,PTC和Google帳號都可登入,值得大家試試看喔! Pokemon Go 助理 ...


Necrobot2 is now compatible with 0.57.4 API. Necrobot2 itself is free but now you will need to purchase an API key from Bossland in order to run the bot.


2017年10月19日 — Full Changelog. Closed issues: We have detected a Pokemon API change. The bot emulates API version 0.69.1, which is no longer supported.

[Release] Necrobot2 v Updated to 0.45 API

Necrobot2 has been updated to to support the new 0.45 API. You know what to do no need for long and drawn out explanations.

Necrobot status update (from their discord channel)

2016年8月3日 — This means that we will need to update the POGOProtos and implement the new hash b1f2bf509a025b7cd76e1c484e2a24411c50f0612. Reverse ...


2017年5月22日—目前已經支援購買最新API的HashServer與自動輸入驗證碼的2Captcha,PTC和Google帳號都可登入,值得大家試試看喔!PokemonGo助理 ...,Necrobot2isnowcompatiblewith0.57.4API.Necrobot2itselfisfreebutnowyouwillneedtopurchaseanAPIkeyfromBosslandinordertorunthebot.,2017年10月19日—FullChangelog.Closedissues:WehavedetectedaPokemonAPIchange.ThebotemulatesAPIversion0.69.1,whichisnolongersupported.,N...