
Working version of Necrosis LDC - Warmane

Working version of Necrosis LDC. Hi all i'm looking for an actually working version of Necrosis addon. I tried 3 versions and none worked fine.

Necrosis LDC - Bruxo

Last I checked Necrosis was an outdated addon. It still retains it UI functionallity (buttons,etc.) However it is using values from when it was up to date which ...

Addon Spotlight: Necrosis LdC

Necrosis LdC is a circular menu addon that wraps all of your spells and abilities into collapsible menus much like Totemus. (To be fair, ...

Necrosis LdC World of Warcraft Private Server Addon

Necrosis LdC (L'ombre de Corruption) is a highly specialized and customizable addon for World of Warcraft designed specifically for Warlocks ...

Necrosis Classic WoW Classic Addon 1.13

Necrosis based of the original codebase reworked for 1.13. We picked up Necrosis (original) and started fixing it for WoW Classic Beta.

Necrosis - Turtle WoW

I used to play my warlock back in vanilla and TBC using an amazing addon called NECROSIS. I've tried all the versions in this page but none seems to be working.

Necrosis LdC : Discontinued and Outdated Mods

Necrosis LdC Popular! (More than 5000 hits). Version: 3.0 - RC1. by: Lomig [More]. Necrosis LdC 3.0 (Ver 3.0 RC1) Best regards. Lomig. Post A ...

Necrosis LdC - Files - World of Warcraft Addons

CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike. Download the best mods and addons! Games.

Lomignecrosisldc: Original code for Necrosis LdC, a World ...

Original code for Necrosis LdC, a World of Warcraft addon to ease Warlock's life. - Lomig/necrosisldc.

Necrosis LdC - World of Warcraft Addons

Necrosis is an addon to help Warlocks manage their playstyle effectively. The UI is composed of several distinct parts.


WorkingversionofNecrosisLDC.Hialli'mlookingforanactuallyworkingversionofNecrosisaddon.Itried3versionsandnoneworkedfine.,LastIcheckedNecrosiswasanoutdatedaddon.ItstillretainsitUIfunctionallity(buttons,etc.)Howeveritisusingvaluesfromwhenitwasuptodatewhich ...,NecrosisLdCisacircularmenuaddonthatwrapsallofyourspellsandabilitiesintocollapsiblemenusmuchlikeTotemus.(Tobefair, ...,NecrosisLdC(L'ombred...