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NetApp thin provisioning is designed to allow you to present more logical storage to hosts or users than you actually have in your physical storage pool.

Configure volume provisioning options

2021年10月14日 — You can configure a volume for thin provisioning, thick provisioning, or semi-thick provisioning.


2022年10月13日 — Thin provisioning enables storage administrators to provision more storage on a LUN than is currently available on the volume. · Users often do ...

NetApp Cluster

This report lists NetApp Cluster-Mode aggregate and the net volume capacities of associated volumes relative to the total aggregate size.

NetApp Thin Provisioning Increases Storage Utilization ...

This guide should prove useful to IT and storage decision makers seeking to understand how. NetApp thin provisioning can reduce waste and increase storage ...

NetApp Thin Provisioning Tutorial

Thin provisioning allows you to present more logical storage to your clients than the amount of physical storage you actually have.

Thin provisioning

2021年10月14日 — Thin provisioning allows you to satisfy the needs of the large storage consumers without having to purchase storage you might never use. Since ...

Thin Provisioning Deployment and Implementation Guide

The guide should prove useful to NetApp customers and implementers who require assistance in understanding details and successfully deploying solutions that ...

What LUN thin provisioning is

Thin provisioning enables storage administrators to provision more storage on a LUN than is currently available on the volume. Users often do not consume ...


NetAppthinprovisioningisdesignedtoallowyoutopresentmorelogicalstoragetohostsorusersthanyouactuallyhaveinyourphysicalstoragepool.,2021年10月14日—Youcanconfigureavolumeforthinprovisioning,thickprovisioning,orsemi-thickprovisioning.,2022年10月13日—ThinprovisioningenablesstorageadministratorstoprovisionmorestorageonaLUNthaniscurrentlyavailableonthevolume.·Usersoftendo ...,ThisreportlistsNetAppClus...