
通过switch mode特性配置VLAN

Trunk. Trunk 端口允许多个 VLAN 的数据包通过. Trunk 端口的Native VLAN(默认为VLAN1)的数据包发送和接收均不包括tag标记,其他VLAN通过需要包括tag 标记

VLAN Trunk

A VLAN trunk is a link between two VLAN-aware devices that can handle traffic of multiple VLANs no matter what their VIDs are.

VLAN Trunking on Netgear Switch

I'm trying to figure out how to trunk multiple Netgear layer 2 switches. All the switches are the Smart Manged Pro ( GS728TPPv2) So, the purpose of the VLAN is ...

VLAN Trunk to Netgear Managed Switch - MikroTik

Hello all, I'm stuck - I'm running a home network with a few different VLANs. Up to this point, the set up was fairly simple (although I ...

How do I setup a VLAN trunk link between two NETGEAR switches?

This article describes how to configure 2 NETGEAR switches to exchange traffic for multiple VLANs. In this example, each switch is configured with 2 VLANs ...


Trunk.Trunk端口允许多个VLAN的数据包通过.Trunk端口的NativeVLAN(默认为VLAN1)的数据包发送和接收均不包括tag标记,其他VLAN通过需要包括tag标记,AVLANtrunkisalinkbetweentwoVLAN-awaredevicesthatcanhandletrafficofmultipleVLANsnomatterwhattheirVIDsare.,I'mtryingtofigureouthowtotrunkmultipleNetgearlayer2switches.AlltheswitchesaretheSmartMangedPro(GS728TPPv2)So,thepurposeoftheVLANis ...,Helloall,I'mstuck...