Netgear Router Setup and Full Configuration




The connection rate should be 300Mpbs or higher on 5Ghz AC mode. Ensure the wifi drivers for the adapter on this laptop are up to date.

Netgear AC1200智能WiFi路由器R6220用戶手冊

外部天線可為較大的家庭提供更好的WiFi覆蓋範圍。 該路由器的速度比類似的3n快802.11倍,並且為手機和平板電腦提供更可靠的流傳輸。

Netgear 推出平價款802.11ac無線分享器R6220

Netgear R6220為AC1200,2.4G最高速率300Mbps,5G最高速度867Mbps,與目前電腦無線網路卡最高傳輸速度差不多。使用MediaTek MT7621ST 880MHz CPU,記憶體128MB ...

NETGEAR AC1200 智慧型Wi-Fi 路由器,附外接天線(R6220

評分 4.2 (1,794) AC1200 - 300+900Mbps 速度; 適用於多達20 台裝置和1115 平方英尺的覆蓋範圍; Nighthawk 應用程式- 輕鬆設定和監控您的家庭網路; 880MHz 處理器提供高效能連線能力 ...

Netgear AC1200 Review (R6220)

Without a doubt, the Netgear AC1200 R6220 is an entry-level wireless router, but it's still a surprisingly decent device especially if you need ...

R6220 | WiFi Router

Find support for your NETGEAR R6220 wifi router including guides, troubleshooting articles, the latest firmware updates, and much more today.

Netgear AC1200 Smart Wi-Fi Router (R6220) Review

供應中 評分 4.0 · The R6220 scored 25.6MBps on our hard drive read test and 17.6MBps on the write test, both of which are measured using a 1.5GB folder containing ...

Netgear R6220 is extremely slow, but ethernet is over 300mbs

200+ mbps speed test on my 5g netgear r6220. But mostly i'm getting between 1-30mbps. I have tried different channels on both ends of the spectrum and usually ...

NetGear AC1200 (R6220-100NAS) Review

評分 3.9 · David Wise · The NetGear AC1200 delivered a subpar performance in the majority of our metrics, only doing a slightly above average job in our Ease of Use and 5 GHz. ...

Netgear R6220: Strong Performance for the Price

評分 4.0 · Brian Nadel · Netgear's R6220 combines good 802.11ac performance, useful parental controls and excellent software for an affordable price.


Theconnectionrateshouldbe300Mpbsorhigheron5GhzACmode.Ensurethewifidriversfortheadapteronthislaptopareuptodate.,外部天線可為較大的家庭提供更好的WiFi覆蓋範圍。該路由器的速度比類似的3n快802.11倍,並且為手機和平板電腦提供更可靠的流傳輸。,NetgearR6220為AC1200,2.4G最高速率300Mbps,5G最高速度867Mbps,與目前電腦無線網路卡最高傳輸速度差不多。使用MediaTekMT7621ST880MHzCPU,記憶體128MB ...,評分4.2(1,794...