Time Lapse Shooting with Sony Nex-7, Nex

Todotime-lapsephotography,aintervalometer(akatimerremote)shouldbeused.SincenotallSony®(alpha)digitalcamerashaveaconnectionforawired ...,Ijustgotthetime-lapseapptomyNEX6..I'mabigtime-lapsefan,andnowthatIhavearealcamera,Iwanttotryit.BUT...,膚色跟柔...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Time-Lapse on Nex7

To do time-lapse photography, a intervalometer (aka timer remote) should be used. Since not all Sony® (alpha) digital cameras have a connection for a wired ...

Sony Alpha NEX E-mount (APS

I just got the time-lapse app to my NEX 6.. I'm a big time-lapse fan, and now that I have a real camera, I want to try it. BUT...

Nex 5R的Cinematic photo和Time Lapse真是太驚人了

膚色跟柔膚模式沒關係 另外我從NEX-3剛出來就用到換NEX-5. NEX-5N也搶先開箱了 所以您所說的,我都用過了,也用很久了 白平衡體會很久了,黃光下並不準.

自制Nex5 用完美Time Lapse 及長曝搖控器(多圖) (第17頁)

自制Nex5 用完美Time Lapse 及長曝搖控器(多圖) ... 不過,不能遙控快門並不代表不能玩Time Lapse, 只是要手動一張一張按快門辛苦了點。。。 下面分享兩段NEX-3 + 18-55mm拍的 ...

I want to do a time-lapse with NEX-5 : rphotography

hey guys! So i live in Toronto and would LOVE to get one of those timelapse of the skyline from the island. But... where do I start?

[VIDEO] How to create time lapse video with interval shooting

In this short video tutorial, we'll show you how to set up your camera, shoot, and create a time lapse. To demonstrate how to create a time lapse, we've used ...

Nex 3N - Remote (Timelapse)

Hi, I recently found remote on aliexpress that apparently work's with nex 3n. I'm sure remote will work for a normal shooting, but thing I'm ...

Time Lapse App Sony Nex-5r Nex-6

The Sony Nex-5r and Nex-6 have the option to run applications or apps. Similar to your iPhone or Android Phone. This ability is something ...

Time Lapse Application For NEX | John Sison

This is a quick tutorial on how to use the Time Lapse application for selected NEX cameras available from Playmemories.

Time Lapse on Sony NEX Cameras

With the Sony NEX-6 you can buy extra applications that will extend the functionality of the camera and one of those applications is a ...


Todotime-lapsephotography,aintervalometer(akatimerremote)shouldbeused.SincenotallSony®(alpha)digitalcamerashaveaconnectionforawired ...,Ijustgotthetime-lapseapptomyNEX6..I'mabigtime-lapsefan,andnowthatIhavearealcamera,Iwanttotryit.BUT...,膚色跟柔膚模式沒關係另外我從NEX-3剛出來就用到換NEX-5.NEX-5N也搶先開箱了所以您所說的,我都用過了,也用很久了白平衡體會很久了,黃光下並不準.,自制Nex5用完美TimeL...