HTC Nexus 9 Hands on - Camera Test

2015年2月4日—Tofulfilltheseduties,theNexus9hasbeenoutfittedwitharatherstandardsetofcameras.Ontherear,weseean8MP,1/4inchformat ...,GoogleNexus9Tablethasa8.9inchesdisplayrunningonNvidiaTegraK1processor,with2GBRAM,8MPcamera,6700mAhbattery.GoogleNexu...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2015年2月4日 — To fulfill these duties, the Nexus 9 has been outfitted with a rather standard set of cameras. On the rear, we see an 8MP, 1/4 inch format ...

Google Nexus 9 Specifications, Comparison and Features

Google Nexus 9 Tablet has a 8.9 inches display running on Nvidia Tegra K1 processor, with 2 GB RAM, 8 MP camera, 6700 mAh battery. Google Nexus 9 price, ...

Google Nexus 9 specs

Google Nexus 9 specifications - Display: 8.9 inches IPS LCD; Camera: 8 MP (Autofocus, BSI sensor); Processor: NVIDIA Tegra K1 (28 nm); RAM: 2GB DDR3; ...

HTC Nexus 9

HTC Nexus 9 Android tablet. Announced Oct 2014. Features 8.9″ display, Nvidia Tegra K1 chipset, 8 MP primary camera, 1.6 MP front camera, 6700 mAh battery, ...

HTC操刀Google Nexus 9外型與效能實測評析

2014年11月29日 — △Google Nexus 9 配備F2.4 光圈的800 萬畫素AF 後相機與LED 補光燈。鏡頭與補光燈均加入金屬環進行裝飾。 原生Lollipop ...

Nexus 9

Camera, Rear: 8 MP with flash. HD (1080p) resolution. Front: 1.6 MP HD (720p) resolution. Connectivity, 3.5 mm combo headphone/microphone jack, Bluetooth 4.1, ...

Nexus 9

尺寸, 228.25 x 153.68 x 7.95 mm ; 重量, 425(wifi) / 436(LTE) g ; 電池, 6700 mAh ; 相機, 主相機:800 萬像素具備閃光燈.

Nexus 9

工作與娛樂兼顧。Nexus 9 擁有大小恰到好處的8.9 吋螢幕及音色豐富的雙前置立體揚聲器。64-bit 處理器將生產力和播放體驗提升至全新境界,配搭直覺式語音命令和 ...

找回Android最初的感動,Google Nexus 9開箱評測

2014年11月22日 — 近來把TabS賣了改換Nexus9。小弟一向喜歡純淨Android,流暢無汙染。這回入手Neuxs9使我欣喜若狂,上次HTC代工Nexus已經是將近五年前的NexusOne了。


2015年2月4日—Tofulfilltheseduties,theNexus9hasbeenoutfittedwitharatherstandardsetofcameras.Ontherear,weseean8MP,1/4inchformat ...,GoogleNexus9Tablethasa8.9inchesdisplayrunningonNvidiaTegraK1processor,with2GBRAM,8MPcamera,6700mAhbattery.GoogleNexus9price, ...,GoogleNexus9specifications-Display:8.9inchesIPSLCD;Camera:8MP(Autofocus,BSIsensor);Processor:NVIDIATegraK1(28nm);RAM:2GBDDR3; ...,HTCNexu...