8K HDR | Jake chooses Neytiri - Avatar

NeytiriteTskahaMo'at'iteisafictionalcharacterandoneoftheprotagonistsintheAvatarfranchise,createdbyJamesCameron.,NeytiriisthedeuteragonistandleadheroineofJamesCameron'sAvatarfranchise.SheisthedaughteroftheleaderoftheOmaticaya(theNa'viclan ...,Neyt...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite is a fictional character and one of the protagonists in the Avatar franchise, created by James Cameron.

Neytiri | Heroes Wiki

Neytiri is the deuteragonist and lead heroine of James Cameron's Avatar franchise. She is the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya (the Na'vi clan ...

Neytiri - Avatar Wiki

Neytiri is a formidable warrior who is incredibly skilled with a bow, and taught Jake how to use one as well. She is also skilled in close-range combat with her ... Neytiri/Relationships · Gallery: Neytiri · Talk:Neytiri · Neytiri's Vi

Mattel James Cameron 阿凡達電影大師Neytiri 公仔

評分 4.4 (35) 來自新的真人電影詹姆斯·卡梅隆的阿凡達。 具有24 點關節、令人印象深刻的細節和可姿勢性; 每個公仔高6 英吋(約15.2 公分)。 隨附多種正品配件; 包含專屬角色的i-Tag ...

Mattel Avatar Na'vi Neytiri 可動公仔: 玩具和遊戲

評分 4.1 (63) 來自詹姆斯·卡梅隆的新電影阿凡達的Na'vi creatures; 以夜光生物發光為重音; 4.3 英吋(約10.8 公分)可動公仔; 隨附獨特的武器或配件; 包含專屬角色的i-Tag ,讓戰鬥場景 ...


Neytiri is one of the fiercest warriors Pandora has ever known, and she is always willing and ready to leap into combat to protect her husband, her children and ...

Neytiri embodies the spirit of Pandora | By Avatar

Avatar | Neytiri Supercut | Neytiri embodies the spirit of Pandora. Abbey Ward and 5.8K others. 177K Plays.

Neytiri & Thanator vs. AMP Suit Quaritch 75571

套裝包括Neytiri 和Miles Quaritch 上校小人仔、Neytiri 的Thanator 人仔可擺造型模型和Colonel 的AMP Suit 機器裝甲,以及有著在黑暗中發光元件的叢林場景。

190 Neytiri from Avatar ideas

Aug 29, 2023 - Explore EMILY PIERSON's board Neytiri from Avatar on Pinterest. See more ideas about avatar, avatar movie, pandora avatar.


I was Na'vi Princess of the Omaticaya clan. And then I met my Jake. (Fan Account for all things Avatar and Neytiri)


NeytiriteTskahaMo'at'iteisafictionalcharacterandoneoftheprotagonistsintheAvatarfranchise,createdbyJamesCameron.,NeytiriisthedeuteragonistandleadheroineofJamesCameron'sAvatarfranchise.SheisthedaughteroftheleaderoftheOmaticaya(theNa'viclan ...,Neytiriisaformidablewarriorwhoisincrediblyskilledwithabow,andtaughtJakehowtouseoneaswell.Sheisalsoskilledinclose-rangecombatwithher ...Neytiri/Relationshi...