ESET NOD32 Antivirus

UpdatingESETNOD32Antiviruscanbeperformedeithermanuallyorautomatically.Totriggertheupdate,clickUpdateinthemainprogramwindowandthen ...,UpdateESETNOD32Antivirus,2stations,1year-RenewalofantivirussoftwareESET.,RegularlyupdatingESETNOD32Antivirusisth...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to update the ESET NOD32 Antivirus

Updating ESET NOD32 Antivirus can be performed either manually or automatically. To trigger the update, click Update in the main program window and then ...

Update ESET NOD32 Antivirus, 2 stations, 1 year

Update ESET NOD32 Antivirus, 2 stations, 1 year - Renewal of antivirus software ESET.


Regularly updating ESET NOD32 Antivirus is the best method to ensure the maximum level of security on your computer. The Update module ensures that both the ...

Updating the program

By clicking Update in the main program window, you can view the current update status including the date and time of the last successful update and if an update ...

Upgrading to a more recent version

Make sure that you have enabled Application feature updates in Advanced setup (F5) > Update > Profiles > Updates. 2.Manually, in the main program window by ...


新推出的ESET NOD32 Antivirus 版本已改善或修正自動程式模組更新無法解決的問題。透過以下幾種方式即可升級為最新版本:. 1.透過程式更新自動升級。

如何更新ESET NOD32 Antivirus

您可以手動也可以自動執行ESET NOD32 Antivirus 更新。若要觸發更新,請按一下主程式視窗中的[更新],然後按一下[檢查更新]。 預設安裝設定會建立每小時執行的自動更新 ...


UpdatingESETNOD32Antiviruscanbeperformedeithermanuallyorautomatically.Totriggertheupdate,clickUpdateinthemainprogramwindowandthen ...,UpdateESETNOD32Antivirus,2stations,1year-RenewalofantivirussoftwareESET.,RegularlyupdatingESETNOD32Antivirusisthebestmethodtoensurethemaximumlevelofsecurityonyourcomputer.TheUpdatemoduleensuresthatboththe ...,ByclickingUpdateinthemainprogramwindow,youcanviewthec...