How to install the Noto Serif font package in your PC.

下載之後將檔案解壓縮,就可以得到「思源宋體」跟「思源黑體」兩種字體,各自都設有7種不同字重,真的是很方便大家使用呢!,Notoisafreefontfamilycomprisingover100individualcomputerfonts,whicharetogetherdesignedtocoverallthescriptsencodedintheUnicode ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


【設計資源】Google Noto Fonts – 免費下載「思源宋體」


Noto fonts

Noto is a free font family comprising over 100 individual computer fonts, which are together designed to cover all the scripts encoded in the Unicode ...

Noto Sans

Noto Sans is available via an open source license. You're free to use it with your Adobe Fonts account just as you would any other font in the Adobe Fonts ...

Noto Fonts

Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts in more than 1000 languages and over 150 writing systems. Noto Sans · Noto Serif · Noto Sans Display · Noto Sans Mono

Noto Home

Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts in more than 1000 languages and over 150 writing systems.

Noto Fonts

The Noto Fonts Project aims to provide a complete set of high quality Unicode fonts. 287 followers · @googlefonts · [email protected]. Noto Math · Noto Thai · Noto Serif Hentaigana · Noto-cjk-varco

Noto CJK fonts

Download individual fonts from the download guides for Noto Sans CJK or Noto Serif CJK or look in Releases. Release notes and version history are documented ...

Noto Dashboard

Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts with multiple weights and widths in sans, serif, mono, and other styles, in more than 1,000 languages and over 150 ...


Noto是Google所開發的開源字型家族,以OFL授權條款授權,旨在涵蓋所有Unicode區段。涵蓋漢字、假名、諺文的版本稱為「Noto Sans CJK」。


下載之後將檔案解壓縮,就可以得到「思源宋體」跟「思源黑體」兩種字體,各自都設有7種不同字重,真的是很方便大家使用呢!,Notoisafreefontfamilycomprisingover100individualcomputerfonts,whicharetogetherdesignedtocoverallthescriptsencodedintheUnicode ...,NotoSansisavailableviaanopensourcelicense.You'refreetouseitwithyourAdobeFontsaccountjustasyouwouldanyotherfontintheAdobeFonts ...,Notoisacollectionofh...