Fix Failed to Initialize Smart Audio Failed to Initialize Smart ...

Windows8.1改善了不少了Windows8的功能,不過原本有的.系統跑分工具ChrisPCWinExperienceIndex.,[FAQ]Whenyoustartrecording,ErrormessageappearsFailedtoinitializesoundlibrary.ChecktheWindowsAudioserviceisrunning.[FAQ]Ifyougetan ...,大家好我今天使用ocam的...。參考影片的文章的如下:


oCam failed to initialize sound library 相關文章

Windows 8.1 改善了不少了Windows 8 的功能,不過原本有的. 系統跑分工具ChrisPC Win Experience Index.

To fix system performance

[FAQ]When you start recording, Error message appears Failed to initialize sound library. Check the Windows Audio service is running. [FAQ]If you get an ...

[請問]ocam錄製失敗- 看板EZsoft

大家好我今天使用ocam的時候一按下錄影開始的按鈕就會自動跳出: 錄製失敗導致:Playsound: pAudioClient->Initialize failed.

[FAQ]Error appears when recording starts 'Failed ...

[FAQ]When you start recording, Error message appears Failed to initialize sound library. Check the Windows Audio service is running. [FAQ]If you get an ...

【解决】ocam录制失败。 导致: WASRecord: pAudioClient

2019年9月18日 — 问题描述. ocam录制屏幕时提示录制失败。 导致: WASRecord: pAudioClient-> Initialize failed. (hr=0x80070005 在这里插入图片描述 ...

[FAQ]If you get an error when installing oCam

... Failed to initialize sound library. Check the Windows Audio service is running. [FAQ]If you get an error 'The endpoint device is already in use' at the ...

[FAQ]When you start recording, Error message appears ...

... Failed to initialize sound library. Check the Windows Audio service is running. View Full List; Check the sound playback on your PC first. You may ...

[HOWTO]Setting up oCam

[FAQ]When you start recording, Error message appears Failed to initialize sound library. Check the Windows Audio service is running. [FAQ]If you get an ...


[FAQ]When you start recording, Error message appears Failed to initialize sound library. Check the Windows Audio service is running. [FAQ]If you get an ...


Windows8.1改善了不少了Windows8的功能,不過原本有的.系統跑分工具ChrisPCWinExperienceIndex.,[FAQ]Whenyoustartrecording,ErrormessageappearsFailedtoinitializesoundlibrary.ChecktheWindowsAudioserviceisrunning.[FAQ]Ifyougetan ...,大家好我今天使用ocam的時候一按下錄影開始的按鈕就會自動跳出:錄製失敗導致:Playsound:pAudioClient->Initializefailed.,[FAQ]Whenyoustartrecording,ErrormessageappearsFailedt...