
Objective-C File Handling

In this guide, we'll explore Objective-C's file handling capabilities in iOS, covering everything from reading to writing data.

Reading Strings From and Writing Strings To Files and URLs

Explains how to create, search, concatenate, and draw strings in Cocoa.

Writing and Reading Binary Data Files

Writing files to disk and reading them back in is pretty easy to do, especially if you can code in C or C++. This can also be done in Objective-C by using an ...

How to find and read a file on iph…

How to find and read a file on iphone from objective C code, and to write a file. App & System Services Core OS Files and Storage. You're now watching this ...

Read text file line by line - Using Swift

I used those functions in C and C++ for read text file line by line. What can I use in Swift? C: fopen, fgets, .. C++: fstream, getline, .

iphone - Reading from text file - Objective C

I am trying to familiarize myself with objective C, and my current goal is to read a list of items in a text file and store them in a NSString array.

How to read content from plain text remote file with objective

To load the remote txt file, you should take a look at NSURLConnection or AFNetworking (there are other possibilities, these two are probably the most common).

File Handling in Objective-C

In Objective C, file handling can be broadly categorized into two types: reading and writing. Reading refers to the process of accessing data ...

Working with Files in Objective-C

Firstly, the contents of a file may be read and stored in an NSData object through the use of the contentsAtPath method: NSFileManager *filemgr; NSData * ...

Reading and writing to files in Objective-C

Subscribe to our channel here for notifications on new video trainings. For more videos on technology, visit our website at ...


Inthisguide,we'llexploreObjective-C'sfilehandlingcapabilitiesiniOS,coveringeverythingfromreadingtowritingdata.,Explainshowtocreate,search,concatenate,anddrawstringsinCocoa.,Writingfilestodiskandreadingthembackinisprettyeasytodo,especiallyifyoucancodeinCorC++.ThiscanalsobedoneinObjective-Cbyusingan ...,HowtofindandreadafileoniphonefromobjectiveCcode,andtowriteafile.App&SystemServicesCoreOSF...