
Configuring OpenStack Mitaka and Ocata distribution

After you install an OpenStack Mitaka or Ocata environment, you must configure the OpenStack installation to integrate with IBM Cloud Orchestrator.

Install package Cloud:OpenStack

ansible from Cloud:OpenStack:Ocata project. Select Your Operating System. openSUSE. SLE. openSUSE Leap 42.3 · openSUSE Leap 42.2. Add repository and install ...


OpenStack OCATA installation tutorial. This is my first OpenStack tutorial, step by step, done by me on @TigerLinux Cloud Computing Training It's made on ...

Ocata Installation Guides

Ocata Installation Guides. The following guides support basic installation of core and optional OpenStack services on variants of Red Hat, SUSE, and Ubuntu ...

OpenStack Docs

Documentation for Ocata (February 2017) ; Release Notes · OpenStack Projects Release Notes ; Installation Guides · Installation Guides ; Deployment Guides.

OpenStack Docs

Ocata Installation Guides. The following guides support basic installation of core and optional OpenStack services on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or CentOS 7 ...


Openstack ocata bash script deploys openstack ocata software in a fresh ubuntu 16.04 server. You can install the required openstack services based on your ...

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS : OpenStack Ocata : Pre

2017年3月12日 — Install some services which some components of OpenStack needs for system requirements on here. This example is based on the environment ...


AfteryouinstallanOpenStackMitakaorOcataenvironment,youmustconfiguretheOpenStackinstallationtointegratewithIBMCloudOrchestrator.,ansiblefromCloud:OpenStack:Ocataproject.SelectYourOperatingSystem.openSUSE.SLE.openSUSELeap42.3·openSUSELeap42.2.Addrepositoryandinstall ...,OpenStackOCATAinstallationtutorial.ThisismyfirstOpenStacktutorial,stepbystep,donebymeon@TigerLinuxCloudComputingTrainingIt'smad...