
Ocumetics Eyes First In

2024年1月8日 — The in-human trials are seeking to prove the Ocumetics lens would help patients get their best-corrected vision and maximize the technology's ...

Ocumetics Technology (2QB0.F) 股價,報價,新聞和活動

Ocumetics Technology Corp., a research and product development company, designs and produces various lenses. Its products include Bionic Lens, an expandable ...

Ocumetics Technology Corp. (OTC.V) 公司概況及事件

Ocumetics Technology Corp. engages in research, development, production, and sale of vision enhancement products in Canada. The company provides intraocular ...

Ocumetics Technology Corp. (OTC.V) Stock Price, News, ...

Find the latest Ocumetics Technology Corp. (OTC.V) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.


In 2012, Ocumetics Technology Corp., a Canadian-based research and product development company, was established to produce vision enhancement products and ...


We are specialized at producing adaptive lens design technologies that provide clear and natural eyesight, helping to enhance people's environment.


Garth Webb)發布了最新研發的仿生鏡片(Ocumetics Bionic Lens)。...


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2024年1月8日—Thein-humantrialsareseekingtoprovetheOcumeticslenswouldhelppatientsgettheirbest-correctedvisionandmaximizethetechnology's ...,OcumeticsTechnologyCorp.,aresearchandproductdevelopmentcompany,designsandproducesvariouslenses.ItsproductsincludeBionicLens,anexpandable ...,OcumeticsTechnologyCorp.engagesinresearch,development,production,andsaleofvisionenhancementproductsinCanada.Thecompa...