
hipstamatic oggl_百度百科

简介. Hipstamatic Oggl通过“镜头”和“胶片”的选择来实现滤镜效果,你可以选择预设的组合或自己组合。应用本身免费,提供了5款镜头和5款胶片选择。

Hipstamatic Oggl app 現在已開放給所有人使用了

由Hipstamatic 所開發的Oggl 相片編輯及分享的程式自登上Apple App Store 以來都只供被邀請的人使用,不過只是過了兩個星期左右,他們就已經取消了這個 ...


Oggl is a brand new way to experience Hipstamatic's beautifully crafted photo effects and connect to like-minded creatives from all around the world. A Get in ...

复古相机与图片社交的完美结合,我的主力摄影应用:Oggl ...

Hipstamatic Oggl 将拍摄体验摆在首位,内置Hipstamatic 的精美镜头和胶卷以及五个最受用户喜爱的情景拍摄预设,包括风景、食物、人像、夜生活以及日落 ...

Toggl Track

The world's best time tracking software. Track employee time, send beautiful client reports, and calculate profitability. Free and paid plans to save you ...

Hipstamatic Oggl for Windows Phone review

評分 7.7/10 · Sarah Mitroff · Hipstamatic Oggl for Windows Phone produces attention-grabbing photos with more filters than you can find on other popular photo apps. It also ...

Oggl – Hipstamatic 的逆袭

Oggl 定位于图片社交,最主要的功能当然就是拍照和社交。在拍照上Oggl 继承了Hipstamatic 镜头和胶卷结合的风格;在社交上Oggl 除了基本的“喜欢”和“收藏”的 ...

Hipstamatic Oggl (for Windows Phone) Review

評分 2.5 · Michael Muchmore · An impressive yet not well-thought-out or well-executed app lets you do some cool things with photos.

Hipstamatic Oggl

Oggl is a new app by @Hipstamatic for collecting and sharing the most inspiring images. It's free on iOS & WP8.


简介.HipstamaticOggl通过“镜头”和“胶片”的选择来实现滤镜效果,你可以选择预设的组合或自己组合。应用本身免费,提供了5款镜头和5款胶片选择。,由Hipstamatic所開發的Oggl相片編輯及分享的程式自登上AppleAppStore以來都只供被邀請的人使用,不過只是過了兩個星期左右,他們就已經取消了這個 ...,OgglisabrandnewwaytoexperienceHipstamatic'sbeautifullycraftedphotoeffectsandconnecttolike-mindedcreativesfromallaroundth...