


old stock - 英中

根据新收到的期票的价值减去某些已兑成现金的旧期票来算,期票的存量略有下降,从第五十八次会议时的37,830,503 美元降至35,481,910 美元。 multilateralfund.org.

old stock是什麼意思

Our old stock has been entirely cleared out. 我們舊的存貨已全部出清。 查看更多. old stock的相關資料:. 臨近單詞. old ...

STOCK | English meaning

7 天前 · the total amount of goods or the amount of a particular type of goods available in a shop: This shop sells its old stock at very low prices. Stock · Stock markets · Average stock · Active stock

New old stock

New old stock (NOS), or old stock for short, refers to aged stock of merchandise that was never sold to a customer and is still new in original packaging . Such merchandise may not be manufactured anymore, and the new old stock may represent the only

Old stock

In North America, Old Stock refers to lineage dating back to the colonial era: Old Stock Americans · Old Stock Canadians ...

Q&A: What Does New Old Stock Mean?

The term “New Old Stock” or N.O.S. is commonly used by resellers to describe an older product, in perfect condition, with original tags or ...


Definition and Citations:​​ Items in stock, still in their original packaging, never sold. Also known as new unused stock or surplus stock. New Media.

Old Stock Definition

Old Stock means those shares of capital stock of the Bank outstanding prior to the Effective Date that are not 2008 Activity Shares. Sample 1Sample 2. Based on ...


What does the adjective old-stock mean? There is one meaning in OED's entry for the adjective old-stock. See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and ...


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因


根据新收到的期票的价值减去某些已兑成现金的旧期票来算,期票的存量略有下降,从第五十八次会议时的37,830,503美元降至35,481,910美元。multilateralfund.org.,Ouroldstockhasbeenentirelyclearedout.我們舊的存貨已全部出清。查看更多.oldstock的相關資料:.臨近單詞.old ...,7天前·thetotalamountofgoodsortheamountofaparticulartypeofgoodsavailableinashop:Thisshopsellsitsoldstockatverylowprices.Stock·Stockmarkets·...

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