
OmniFocus 2 app for Macs

Its powerful enough to use on its own, and syncs through the cloud with your other devices running OmniFocus (also available for iOS and Apple Watch).

Welcome to OmniFocus 2!

Throughout this manual you'll find information to help you get the most out of an app designed from the ground up with your productivity in mind.

【OmniFocus-2-iOS 教程合集】32.动作属性设置

【OmniFocus-2-iOS 教程合集】32.动作属性设置-2. 李长太. 相关推荐. 查看更多. 【OmniFocus-2-iOS 教程合集】01.OmniGroup简介.


之前花了我70元的app首次限免 可以利用不同繪圖圖層呈現增進實境的立體效果 配合procreate很好玩 大推。在剛更新的系統上好像會閃退。by dion編 · ???? · ????.


二、OmniFocus2界面简介: · 1)Inbox收件箱。主要用来记录空闲时,或短时间内可以完成的任务。 · 2)Project项目。Inbox中记录的是一个个的Action(小任务), ...

Introducing OmniFocus 2 for iPhone - Video

OmniFocus 2 for iOS · Introducing OmniFocus 2 for iPhone · Siri Integration · View Options · Mail Drop · Location Reminders · Action Groups · OmniFocus 2 for ...

OmniFocus 2 is Here

With its clean and uncluttered interface, OmniFocus 2 for Mac brings all the power you've come to expect and puts your projects and actions front and center.

OmniFocus 2 for iPad - Video

Video; ▷; OmniFocus. OmniFocus 2 for iPad. Learn about OmniFocus 2 for iPad, a completely new app for iOS 8. Playing in picture-in-picture.

Review: OmniFocus 2

Notice (May 2018): This article focuses on OmniFocus 2, which is an outdated version. It has been replaced by OmniFocus 3 on all platforms ...



