
How to diagnose the root cause of OneDrive sync issues

To find out the exact cause of the problem, the Fiddler logs and OneDrive logs are required and, in this situation, I would like to suggest you to connect with ...

Where is OneDrive activities logs on user machines?

It's not feasible to see the OneDrive Activities Log files on local computers. The .etl logs are used to troubleshooting the OneDrive issue by the related team.

OneDrive Logs

Is there a sort of logs where I can see all activities related to OneDrive, ie when it was installed, when the desktop was linked to OneDrive for file backup, ...

OneDrive Sync Check Log file and alert using MS Flow

Attached is the workflow that checks if the last sync time for the One Drive log is less than an hour old. If it is more than an hour old it posts a new line.

Onedrive (Sharepoint online)

Apparently there are no easily available logs for this. You'd need to set up the Windows Debugger and analyze a capture using ETL logs. Opening ...

Microsoft OneDrive - Logs Information for IT

OneDrive Sync Client: Check the sync client status by right clicking the OneDrive icon in the system tray and selecting View online. This can ...

Fix OneDrive sync problems

Select the icon you see on your PC from the list below, and we'll show you the steps to help get you syncing again. OneDrive processing changes · Can't sign in to OneDrive · OneDrive isn't running

OneDrive Sync Troubleshooting

If you are getting errors in OneDrive the first thing to try is to restart your computer. Please Note: It may take several minutes after a ...

Is there a log for identifying files that OneDrive automatically ...

OneDrive does not provide a built-in feature to log or display the specific files it automatically renames to resolve sync issues.

Unlocking the Secrets of OneDrive Logs

Sync Errors​​ OneDrive logs can help identify sync issues caused by connectivity problems, file conflicts, or permission errors.


Tofindouttheexactcauseoftheproblem,theFiddlerlogsandOneDrivelogsarerequiredand,inthissituation,Iwouldliketosuggestyoutoconnectwith ...,It'snotfeasibletoseetheOneDriveActivitiesLogfilesonlocalcomputers.The.etllogsareusedtotroubleshootingtheOneDriveissuebytherelatedteam.,IsthereasortoflogswhereIcanseeallactivitiesrelatedtoOneDrive,iewhenitwasinstalled,whenthedesktopwaslinkedtoOneDriveforfileback...