OneNote for Android Phone - big update to the app!



Android 版Microsoft OneNote

以下是Android 版OneNote 部分常見工作和問題的連結。

Download OneNote

Get OneNote for free! Works on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and in your favorite browser.

Microsoft OneNote | The digital note

Get the OneNote app for free on your tablet, phone, and computer, so you can capture your ideas and to-do lists in one place wherever you are.

Microsoft OneNote: Save Notes

Write notes, save ideas & keep up with your to-do list with Microsoft OneNote. ... Requirements: • Requires Android OS 9.0 or later. • A free Microsoft account is ...

Microsoft OneNote: Save Notes for Android

Take notes on your phone and sync them across all your devices with Microsoft OneNote. With OneNote, you can plan a big event, seize a moment of inspiration to ...

Microsoft OneNote:儲存構想和整理筆記

用您想要的方式創作輸入、手寫、繪圖以及從網路剪輯內容,將您的想法記錄到筆記本中。使用OneNote 的靈活畫布,將內容放到任何您想要的位置。您甚至可以直接將手寫筆記 ...

Microsoft免費筆記App “OneNote”

1 天前 — Android 版本就首次加入搜尋功能,找出指定筆記容易得多。又加入錄音筆記和主頁widget,讓你快速建立新文字、相片和錄音筆記。程式裡面的最近筆記新支援釘 ...

OneNote for Android

OneNote is a type of digital notepad that you can take along in your pocket wherever you go with your Android device, along with all your ideas, reminders, ...

影片:Android 版OneNote

在Android 手機或平板電腦上安裝OneNote,就可以隨時隨地記錄筆記。 取得OneNote App. 點選[Play 商店]。 搜尋Microsoft OneNote。 點選[安裝]。 安裝完成後,App 會 ...


以下是Android版OneNote部分常見工作和問題的連結。,GetOneNoteforfree!WorksonWindows,macOS,iOS,Android,andinyourfavoritebrowser.,GettheOneNoteappforfreeonyourtablet,phone,andcomputer,soyoucancaptureyourideasandto-dolistsinoneplacewhereveryouare.,Writenotes,saveideas&keepupwithyourto-dolistwithMicrosoftOneNote....Requirements:•RequiresAndroidOS9.0orlater.•AfreeMicrosoftaccountis ...,Takenoteso...