【限時免費】Office OneNote 微軟雲端筆記工具,文字相片通通能記錄唷!

【限時免費】Office OneNote 微軟雲端筆記工具,文字相片通通能記錄唷!

OneNote 是微軟的文書工具之一,主要是拿來快速記事所使用,我之前出國在外的時候,我都是 Windows Phone 上的 OneNote 來記帳,拍張圖片後寫下價錢,的確是非常快速的方式;有時候參加一些活動等等,也都是拿 OneNote 當成主要的筆記工具,而且夠有雲端的功能,只要在 iPhone 上也有安裝,我兩台手機的記事本就能夠互通囉!現在 iOS 版本正在限時免費中,大家要把握機會下載唷!

MicroSoft Office OneNote iOS 限時免費MicroSoft Office OneNote iOS 限時免費
MicroSoft Office OneNote iOS 限時免費MicroSoft Office OneNote iOS 限時免費
MicroSoft Office OneNote iOS 限時免費

許多工具為了能夠更加完善,都會收集部分的使用資訊,也有利於軟體的 Bug 排除等等,看大家是否願意傳送這些資訊囉!選擇過後就可以開始使用 OneNote 了!

MicroSoft Office OneNote iOS 限時免費MicroSoft Office OneNote iOS 限時免費


App Store iPhone 下載:https://wawa3c.com/download/WliT
或是掃描以下 QRcode

App Store iPad 下載:https://wawa3c.com/download/M1SO
或是掃描以下 QRcode

iOS OneNote

iOS OneNote 相關文章



在iOS 8中擴充OneNote分享功能

今日的OneNote文章是由Avneesh Kohli,OneNote團隊的專案經理 今天,我們宣布OneNote可以在您的iPad與iPhone上升級擴充分享功能,讓您比以往更容易從常用的app中傳送訊息、內容到OneNote裡,所需要的只是一台擁有最新iOS 8操作系統的iPhone或iPad。

Microsoft OneNote

Get the OneNote app for free on your tablet, phone, and computer, so you can capture your ideas and to-do lists in one place wherever you are. Or try OneNote with Office for free.

將Mac 上的OneNote 筆記本與iPhone 同步

凡是您想從iPhone 存取的筆記本,都必須位於OneDrive 或SharePoint 上。在OneNote 2010 之前的版本建立的筆記本無法與您的iPhone 同步。

Microsoft OneNote 說明

從 Microsoft 社群或支援服務進一步瞭解 iPad 版 OneNote 或取得協助 試用 Microsoft Edge,專為 Windows 10 設計、快速且安全的瀏覽器 開始使用 登入 Search Microsoft Search 產品 範本 支援 產品 範本 支援 支援 應用程式 ...

Microsoft OneNote Help

Looking for something that’s not listed here? Use the Search Help box in this window. Important: To continue getting OneNote updates, please make sure you’re running the new Microsoft OneNote app from the App Store. OneNote is now a single app that runs o

OneNote Featured Apps - Microsoft OneNote | The digital note

Featured Apps Get more out of OneNote with these apps and devices. Brother Web Connection Your Brother machine (MFP/Document scanner) can scan images and upload them to OneNote and OneDrive directly without going through a PC. Get Started Chegg ...

OneNote gets even better on Mac and iOS

After receiving several requests from readers for details on Office 365 requirements for SharePoint and OneDrive for Business access following this update to OneNote for iOS and Mac, we have updated “Open SharePoint Server notebooks on your Mac” below. On

Sync the OneNote notebooks on your Mac with your iPhone

You can use Microsoft OneNote on your iPhone to keep in sync with any notebooks that you've created with OneNote 2016 on your Mac, even if you use ...

How to Configure OneNote Settings for iOS Devices

OneNote for iOS doesn't have a lot of settings you can actually change. Tap the Settings button at the top of the Home screen to quickly summon the Settings ...

OneNote 數位筆記本推出 Mac 版,開放 Windows、iOS、Android 等平台免費下載

如果你還有印象,去年七月微軟在 iPhone、iPad 上推出 OneNote for iOS 限免活動,讓更多使用者可以使用這個好用的數位筆記工具,今天微軟再次帶來好消息,那就是:推出 OneNote for Mac!且所有平台適用的 OneNote 皆為免費下載