


checkra1n is a community project to provide a high-quality semi-tethered jailbreak to all, based on the 'checkm8' bootrom exploit. 0.12.4 beta · Installing on Linux · All Releases · The state of checkra1n on iOS 14

iOS jailbreaking

iOS jailbreaking is the use of a privilege escalation exploit to remove software restrictions imposed by Apple on devices running iOS and iOS-based

iOS17Jailbreak: iOS 17 - iOS 17.7 & iOS 18.1 Jailbreak ...

Our team has analyzed this web clip app and categorized it as a jailbreak alternative solution. You can install Redensa as a jailbreak solution for iOS 17 - iOS ... Unc0ver Jailbreak · Dopamine Jailbreak · Xinam1ne-Jailbreak · MIT lice

免電腦靠Jailbreaks 網頁版也能替iPhone、iPad 安裝越獄工具

除了checkra1n 越獄工具需要依賴電腦才能使用外,其餘多數越獄工具都可以直接網頁安裝下載,如果出門在外或是剛好手邊沒電腦,那或許可以透過這篇介紹的 ...

Palera1n Jailbreak Online Tool

The Palera1n Online method is the easiest and safest jailbreak tool for the latest iOS/iPadOS ( 18.3.1 to 15 ) running iPhones iPads. From this page,you can ...

Unauthorized modification of iOS

Unauthorized modifications to iOS (also known as “jailbreaking”) bypass security features and can cause numerous issues to the hacked iPhone.

24 Best Jailbreak Services To Buy Online

Best jailbreak freelance services online. Outsource your jailbreak project and get it quickly done and delivered remotely online.        


ROOT / JAILBREAK · Open “SuperSU” Application · Go to “Settings” · Select “Full Unroot”, the mobile phone will unroot and then restart · After your mobile phone ...

iOS Jailbreak (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV)

r/jailbreak: This subreddit is for any and all iOS jailbreaking news, questions, etc. Got a question about iOS jailbreaking? You're in the right… Jailbreak Status · Should I Jailbreak? · Why Jailbreak IOS? · Latest jailbreak?

[5 Tools] How to Jailbreak iOS 15 for Free?

Want to jailbreak your iPhone on iOS 15 for free? Discover the top 5 tools with easy steps, pictures, pros & cons! Learn what iOS jailbreak is & how to fix ...



iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學
