Onward | Mercenary Mode Update

OnwardisaMil-Simpacedtacticalmultiplayershooter,beingdevelopedforvirtualrealityheadmounteddisplays.Playerswillusecoordination,communication, ...DevBlog·Media·Community·Support,評分3.0(8,450)·供應中OnwardisthehardcoremultiplayerVRgameyou'vebeenloo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Onward - The ultimate VR Mil

Onward is a Mil-Sim paced tactical multiplayer shooter, being developed for virtual reality head mounted displays. Players will use coordination, communication, ... Dev Blog · Media · Community · Support


評分 3.0 (8,450) · 供應中 Onward is the hardcore multiplayer VR game you've been looking for. To succeed on the battlefield, you must communicate, coordinate, and strike with your squad.

Onward - Quest VR 遊戲

評分 4.2 (17,452) 有單人玩家和多人玩家,都很棒。 五關,任何技能等級都有困難。 此外,還有50多支槍支和裝備。 槍有很棒的圖形,而且不會卡鉗。 這是一個偉大的軍事基礎的FPS。 但它並不完美。

【心得】Onward 心得&新手操縱教學- VR 虛擬實境綜合討論

遊戲是類似CS GO 一樣的真實戰場遊戲 目前是Early Access所以很多BUG 這款是圓盤移動遊戲但是幾乎不會暈(當然還是看體質)

Oculus Rift 的Onward | Rift VR 遊戲

評分 4.0 (1,907) Mercenary Mode is now available! Available for Multiplayer or Singleplayer. This rougelike mode is a completely new way to play PVE in Onward.

Onward | Gaming Showcase Trailer - Update 1.11

Comments130 ; Onward is the Best VR FPS. Capachili · 81K views ; Ranking EVERY VR Controller. josalt · 56K views ; Playing Gorilla Tag on the Meta ...

Onward is the Best VR Shooter

Onward is the best multiplayer VR shooter I have played so far. I'm sure that's a hot take for some, there are a lot of good VR shooters, ...

Onward (@OnwardTheGame) X

Onward is a tactical first person shooter game built specifically for virtual reality. Virtual Reality downpourinteractive.com Joined November 2015


Onward is the most immersive tactical VR shooter. Join your squad for a wide variety of competitive PvP, co-op PvE, and solo game modes.

Onward - Home - VR Master League

Home of the league for Onward. The VR Master League supports a variety of games for all VR headsets (e.g. Quest 2, Quest, Vive, Vive Pro, Oculus Rift, ... Worldwide · Rules · North America · Active Players


OnwardisaMil-Simpacedtacticalmultiplayershooter,beingdevelopedforvirtualrealityheadmounteddisplays.Playerswillusecoordination,communication, ...DevBlog·Media·Community·Support,評分3.0(8,450)·供應中OnwardisthehardcoremultiplayerVRgameyou'vebeenlookingfor.Tosucceedonthebattlefield,youmustcommunicate,coordinate,andstrikewithyoursquad.,評分4.2(17,452)有單人玩家和多人玩家,都很棒。五關,任何技能等級...