GPS geotagging Salisbury Cathedral with a GeoPic II and KUSO ...

SystemRequirement·OS:MicrosoftWindows98,ME,2000,XP,2003,Win7·Browser:MicrosoftInternetExplorer5.0orlater·CPU:IntelPentium-classprocessor ...,VisualizalosdatosEXIFdeunaimagendesdeelnavegador.Esteprogramafuncionacomoextensióncompatibleconlosnavegad...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Opanda IExif

System Requirement · OS: Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Win7 · Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later · CPU: Intel Pentium-class processor ...

Opanda IExif

Visualiza los datos EXIF de una imagen desde el navegador. Este programa funciona como extensión compatible con los navegadores más populares.

[分享] 看EXIF超方便小軟體:Opanda IExif 2.25

[分享] 看EXIF超方便小軟體:Opanda IExif 2.25 · 1.從自己的電腦檢視Exif,只要按右鍵 · 2.出來了,要光圈要快門,一目瞭然! · 3.當然我所期待的ISO值,也是跑不 ...

偷窺相片的秘密- EXIF

Opanda IEXIF Viewer下載頁面: 安裝完成後(如果你用firefox,也可以安裝firefox plugin ...

Opanda IExif 2.3 看Exif 軟體

安裝好之後只要在圖片上按右鍵就能輕鬆看到EXIF資訊囉~ (當然作者的照片必須含有Exif資訊) Opanda.

Opanda IExif 2.3 Download (Free)

Opanda IExif 2.3 Free IExif shows the Exif data of your pictures and can be used with main browsers 3.9 Rating 26 votes

[ 數位影像] KUSO EXIF Viewer V3.0 200901312100 更新

修正多用戶環境時程式啟動錯誤; 加入自動更新檢查機制; 加速程式啟動速度; 提昇Vista 相容性; 更新相機與鏡頭資料庫. 雖然沒有說明目前支援到 ...

Opanda IExif Download

Opanda IExif is a professional Exif Viewer in Windows / IE / Firefox, From a Photographer's eye, It displays the image taken from digital camera.

Opanda IExif

Opanda PowerExif is a professional tool to edit EXIF data in images. As the best assistant to modify EXIF information for photographer & editor. Download · IExif for Firefox · Sample Image · IExifPro

KUSO EXIF Viewer 3.0.20090705 中文版

KUSO EXIF Viewer - 免費相片資訊檢視軟體,可以查詢某一張相片的拍攝日期、所用相機曝光時間(快門)、光圈、ISO感光數值(感光度)、焦距.


SystemRequirement·OS:MicrosoftWindows98,ME,2000,XP,2003,Win7·Browser:MicrosoftInternetExplorer5.0orlater·CPU:IntelPentium-classprocessor ...,VisualizalosdatosEXIFdeunaimagendesdeelnavegador.Esteprogramafuncionacomoextensióncompatibleconlosnavegadoresmáspopulares.,[分享]看EXIF超方便小軟體:OpandaIExif2.25·1.從自己的電腦檢視Exif,只要按右鍵·2.出來了,要光圈要快門,一目瞭然!·3.當然我所期待的ISO值...