ViolentMonkey an open source alternative to TamperMonkey

Auserscriptisabitofcodeinjectedintoawebpagetomodifyitsappearanceorbehavior.Scriptsareeithercreatedbyusersordownloadedfromascript ...,UserscriptsisavailableforiOS(iPadOS)andmacOS.Forallversions,installationisdonethroughApple'sAppStore.OnmacOS,vers...。參考影片的文章的如下:


chrome.userScripts | API

A user script is a bit of code injected into a web page to modify its appearance or behavior. Scripts are either created by users or downloaded from a script ...

An open-source userscript manager for Safari

Userscripts is available for iOS (iPadOS) and macOS. For all versions, installation is done through Apple's App Store. On macOS, versions prior to 4.x were ...

Userscript Beginners HOWTO

These pages are a work in progress, but are intended to help users with no previous knowledge understand how to install and use userscripts on their computer.

Open As User Script

安裝腳本? 如何安裝. 您需要先安裝一個用戶腳本管理器擴展,如Tampermonkey、Greasemonkey 或Violentmonkey 之後才能安裝該腳本。


Download userscripts to enhance your browser. 全网VIP视频免费破解去广告 · 最强的老牌脚本CSDNGreener · Userscripts · Ads

About Userscript Beginners HOWTO

These pages are a work in progress, but are intended to help users with no previous knowledge understand how to install and use userscripts on their computer.

Is it possible to load a userscript from the local filesystem? [duplicate]

Is it possible to load a userscript from the local file system, such that updates to the userscript from an external code editor (like VS Code) ...

Is there a way to launch userscripts directly from browser (Firefox)?

I would like to run some userscripts to backup data. I do not want these scripts to be loaded on every web page, as they won't alter them.

From 0 to userscript: how to start?

Pick a site you want your script to apply to, click New User Script in the GreaseMonkey, make up a name, and write some code.

Userscript:碗都敲破了還沒有新功能,那就自己做吧! - YY

其他設定. 除了code 本體,還需要加一些userscript 專用的meta data,讓Tampermonkey 這類extension 可以知道這個userscript 的資訊,像是


Auserscriptisabitofcodeinjectedintoawebpagetomodifyitsappearanceorbehavior.Scriptsareeithercreatedbyusersordownloadedfromascript ...,UserscriptsisavailableforiOS(iPadOS)andmacOS.Forallversions,installationisdonethroughApple'sAppStore.OnmacOS,versionspriorto4.xwere ...,Thesepagesareaworkinprogress,butareintendedtohelpuserswithnopreviousknowledgeunderstandhowtoinstallanduseuserscriptsontheircomp...


