

Quickstart · Obtain quota for file shares · Create a file share · Define the access rules for the share · Mount the share (via Puppet or manually). In this ...

Get started with OpenStack — Installation Guide documentation

4 天前 · The OpenStack project is an open source cloud computing platform for all types of clouds, which aims to be simple to implement, massively scalable, and feature ...

Quick Start

This guide provides step by step instructions to deploy OpenStack using Kolla and Kolla-Ansible on bare metal servers or virtual machines.

Quick Start for deploymentevaluation — kolla

This guide provides step by step instructions to deploy OpenStack using Kolla Ansible on bare metal servers or virtual machines.

OpenStack© Quickstart

This Quickstart manual will help you get started with the OpenStack Management Portal Horizon and provides you with useful tips and information.

Getting started with OpenStack

Openstack Ansible/ Kolla Ansible - These seem to be the easier ways to get started. Probably a better learning experience, since everything is ...


Quickstart·Obtainquotaforfileshares·Createafileshare·Definetheaccessrulesfortheshare·Mounttheshare(viaPuppetormanually).Inthis ...,4天前·TheOpenStackprojectisanopensourcecloudcomputingplatformforalltypesofclouds,whichaimstobesimpletoimplement,massivelyscalable,andfeature ...,ThisguideprovidesstepbystepinstructionstodeployOpenStackusingKollaandKolla-Ansibleonbaremetalserversorvirtualmachines.,T...