
beatmap listing - Osu!

東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. mapped by Matsuyuki Ame. 17. 1.7K. 27 Feb 2024. Ranked. 1. paroxysm · by Camellia · Featured Artist.

changelog | osu!

Update framework (osu#27179)by peppy. Gameplay. Allow a few new mods and mod settings for pp (osu#26935)by bdach. The following mods and settings are now ...

download - Osu!

click the button above to download the installer, then run it! 2 get an account. follow the prompts when starting the game to sign in or make a new account.

news | osu!

osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.

Ohio State News

Violence against teachers is likely to be higher in schools that focus on grades and test scores than in schools that emphasize student learning, a new ...

Releases · ppyosu

This restores progressive coverage that HD and FI had in osu!stable, and adds a new mod ManiaModCover / CO which allows setting a custom cover. Smaller changes.

START: Welcome New OSU Students

SPRING 2024 START SIGN-UPS ARE NOW OPEN! Incoming students will be able to choose between two START options: In Person START on March 22nd.


osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.


東方紅魔郷~theEmbodimentofScarletDevil.mappedbyMatsuyukiAme.17.1.7K.27Feb2024.Ranked.1.paroxysm·byCamellia·FeaturedArtist.,Updateframework(osu#27179)bypeppy.Gameplay.Allowafewnewmodsandmodsettingsforpp(osu#26935)bybdach.Thefollowingmodsandsettingsarenow ...,clickthebuttonabovetodownloadtheinstaller,thenrunit!2getanaccount.followthepromptswhenstartingthegametosigninormakeanewaccount.,osu!-Rhyt...