
outlook No New Email notifications

Check Outlook settings: Make sure that the Show new mail desktop alert option is turned on in Outlook. You can check this by going to File > Options > Mail > ...


Turn alerts on or offSelect File.Select Options, then Mail.Under Message arrival, select to check or clear the Display a Desktop Alert check box, and then select OK.

How to Get Notification of Incoming Email in Outlook

1. Launch Outlook and select File, then choose Options. Open the Mail tab and scroll down to the Message arrival section.

new mail notification not working

Check the notification settings in Outlook: Click on File in the top left corner of Outlook. Click on Options > Mail > Message arrival. Make sure ...

How to display an alert when Outlook email from a specific ...

2022年2月18日 — In Outlook, select the Inbox where you'll be receiving these messages (if you have more than one). Now, let's get started: Click the Home tab ...


Desktop alerts are messages that appear on your screen whenever a new email arrives. You can open, flag, or delete an email directly from the desktop alert.

Turn new message alert pop-up on or off

Turn alerts on or offSelect File.Select Options, then Mail.Under Message arrival, select to check or clear the Display a Desktop Alert check box, and then select OK.

Mail and calendar notifications in Outlook.com

Turn notifications on or off. You can choose to set up Outlook.com to display your calendar and email reminders in a separate window that opens on top of other ...

Add and request read receipts and delivery notifications in ...

How to request a read receipt and/or delivery receipt in new Outlook · In a message you're composing, go to the Options tab on the ribbon. · In Tracking on the ...


CheckOutlooksettings:MakesurethattheShownewmaildesktopalertoptionisturnedoninOutlook.YoucancheckthisbygoingtoFile>Options>Mail> ...,TurnalertsonoroffSelectFile.SelectOptions,thenMail.UnderMessagearrival,selecttocheckorcleartheDisplayaDesktopAlertcheckbox,andthenselectOK.,1.LaunchOutlookandselectFile,thenchooseOptions.OpentheMailtabandscrolldowntotheMessagearrivalsection.,Checkthenotif...