
Client for synology NAS - Desktop

Download Server Packages - ownCloud. Download Server Packages for ownCloud, find the right package for you. If your NAS is not running on any ...

Owncloud Upgrading on Synology Diskstation

Install Owncloud 10 on DSM 6.1. It seems the package Owncloud is not working anymore on DSM 6.1 because it can't find the mysql binary anymore..


I'm trying to install Owncloud from Synocommunity on DSM 6 but during the package's installation, a message displays 'Incorrect mysql root password'.

Owncloud on DSM 7

I went to a DS220+ on DSM 7, and so far it has been a deep struggle to get Owncloud to run again. First, there is sadly no community package for this combo.

Owncloud Install

Step 1: Log into your NAS as administrator and go to Main Menu → Package Center → Settings and set Trust Level to Synology Inc. and trusted publishers.

ownCloud 8.x.x on Synology server

If the Synology package service of ownCloud is set to Run, also the download to the client is working. If this Synology package service is  ...

How to Install ownCloud on Your Synology NAS

In this step by step guide I will show you how to install ownCloud Community Edition on your Synology NAS with Docker & Portainer.

Download Server Packages

ownCloud provides ready-to-deploy packages for popular Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and openSUSE. Docs & Guides · Older Versions · Release Notes · Changelog

ownCloud v10.15.0-20

ownCloud v10.15.0-20. ownCloud is a personal cloud which runs on your own server and gives you freedom and control over your own data.

NextCloud or OwnCloud : rsynology

I've tried both and neither are playing nicely. Which one should I scrap and which one should I focus on getting installed and working?


DownloadServerPackages-ownCloud.DownloadServerPackagesforownCloud,findtherightpackageforyou.IfyourNASisnotrunningonany ...,InstallOwncloud10onDSM6.1.ItseemsthepackageOwncloudisnotworkinganymoreonDSM6.1becauseitcan'tfindthemysqlbinaryanymore..,I'mtryingtoinstallOwncloudfromSynocommunityonDSM6butduringthepackage'sinstallation,amessagedisplays'Incorrectmysqlrootpassword'.,IwenttoaDS220+onDSM7,and...