
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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評分 3.8 (6,134) · 免費 · Android The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world's bestselling advanced-level dictionary for learners of English. It has helped millions of learners to ...

Oxford Learner's Dictionaries

評分 2.5 (255) · 免費 · Android An Oxford learner's bilingual dictionary can help you to develop your English language skills. Download a free sample to see how much an Oxford learner's ...

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

書名:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,語言:英文,ISBN:9780194799027,頁數:1796,作者:Hornby, A. s./ Turnbull, Joanna (EDT)/ Lea, Diana (EDT)/ Parkinson, ...

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Definition of dictionary noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, ...

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The largest and most trusted free online dictionary for learners of British and American English with definitions, pictures, example sentences, synonyms, ... Oxford 3000/5000 · Text Checker · Yield · American English

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Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. The Oxford Advanced American Dictionary is an advanced-level monolingual dictionary for learners of American English. Happy · Bring up · Success · Break


TheOxfordAdvancedLearner'sDictionary,orOALD,isyourcompleteguidetolearningEnglishvocabularywithdefinitionsthatlearnerscanunderstand.,GetEnglishlanguageteachingandlearningresourcesforteachingEnglishtoyounglearners,teenagers,andadults.,評分3.8(6,134)·免費·AndroidTheOxfordAdvancedLearner'sDictionaryistheworld'sbestsellingadvanced-leveldictionaryforlearnersofEnglish.Ithashelpedmillionsoflearnersto ...